The White Moon Gallery Presents

Bast Queen of Cats

Created by Tranquillity Fearn


Bast (pronouced bahst) is an Egyptian goddess, with the face of a cat and body of a woman. She may also be seen as a cat. She is believed to be daughter of Isis and Ra. She is the goddess of joy, music, dance, fertility, happiness, sorcery, wisdom, perfume and spiritual love. She protects her followers and is a goddess of healing. Her symbols are the lion, cat, sistrum, color green and malachite is her stone. During Bast worship in Egypt it was a crime to kill a cat and was pushible by death. Cats were held sacred and once a cat died it was mummified.

Bast is a goddess of the sun and the moon both. To some she is seen as a dark moon goddess, an extractor of revenge able to deal retribution and terror beyond the grave and on into the next life of those that deserve such a terriable fate. The earliest known portrait of Bast comes from around 3000 B.C.E. She was worshipped in the city of Bubastis. There was an annual fair held in respect and celebration of the goddess, her worshippers would march up and down the Nile with flutes, castanets and wine. They carvered figures of cats in their worship to her, thousands of statues and figures have been found in the ancient city.

Statue of Bast with offering bowl
by Tranquillity Fearn

There have been no intact discoveries of life size or larger statues of Bast. Many smaller representations of Bast have been found. This does not however mean that none were made in her worship and kept in her temples. According to Greek historian Herodotus, a statue of Bast was in the main temple room in the shrine at Bubastis. This statue was carried out by the people durning their Bast festival. Bast was a very important goddess for the people of Bubastis. In the ruins of her temple there is a large cemetery where the sacred cats where bruied.

Divination and Ritual:

This is a way to ask Bast for guidance.

Candles (Green and Gold or Yellow)
Incense (Sandalwood or Patchouli)
Malachite or Catseye
Green ink (made from grinding mint and mixing with a small amount of water, allowing to sit)
Divination bowl (non toxic glass or pottery type bowl)
Writing tool to apply the ink (toothpick works well)

Light candles
Purify with the incense
Cast circle
Invoke Elements/Directions

I welcome thee North,
Land of the Nile.
Fertile fields that grow,
Stretching mile by mile.

I welcome thee East,
The warm summer breeze.
The breath of the goddess,
That touches with ease.

I welcome thee South,
Flames of the fire.
Hot desert sun,
Growing with desire.

Bast holding a sistrum which is a type of rattle.

I welcome thee West,
Eternal waters flowing.
River of the Nile,
Currents swift and knowing.

Cast your circle, invite the directions and ask Bast to join you in this ritual. Take the toothpick and inside the divinging bowl right the question that you wish to ask Bast. Put the stone in the bowl and then pour in water. Think about your question and looking to the bowl. The ink will dissolve into the water. Drink the water. Open the circle. Place the stone under your pillow, go to sleep. When you wake write down any dreams you have, meditate on them to find the answer Bast has for you.


365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco
Halloween by Silver Ravenwolf
Moon Magick by D.J. Conway
Dreaming the Divine by Scott Cunningham
Who is Bast?. web page (no longer active)
Bast Galleries
Temple of Bast, web page (no longer active)
Lady of the Flame

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