Seasons of the Moon
Volume 2 - Issue 3 - Beltane 2005


Seasons of the Moon is a quarterly online magazine published by students and members of The Order of The White Moon, an eclectic international order of women dedicated to The Goddess. The Order provides personal empowerment and priestess training, and operates local groups. All contributions are original material submitted by our students and members. (We do not accept outside contributions.) Please direct comments and questions to the Ezine Editor.

Seasons Of The Moon Editors and Council: GrannyMoon - Teal Moon - AmberSage
Assistant Editors: Heathwitch - Banshee - Artemisia - Phyllis
Webmaster: Heathwitch

Issue 3 - Beltane 2005: Contents

Goddess Work
Moonlit Reflections by Luna Blanca
Moon Moon Mother Moon by GrannyMoon
Morning Prayer by Ezevia Rose

Beltane Rituals by Freya
Manifesting the Power of Beltane by Rhianna
Witch Works: Spells and Rituals for Every Season by Banshee
Working with Tarot by Leigh Hall
Goddess Spell to Strengthen Your Intuition by Beth Johnson (Mystic)

The Bardic Soul: Poetry and Song For The Spirit
Bel-TUNES by Nessa CrescentMoon
Escape by Beth Johnson (Mystic)
Remember You Need Me by Beth Johnson (Mystic)
Bitterness by Beth Johnson (Mystic)
Afraid by Beth Johnson (Mystic)
Timid Love by Beth Johnson (Mystic)
Weaving The Web: Candlemas Web Resources

Goddess Work

Moonlit Reflections
A Column by Luna Blanca, Head & Founder of The Order of The White Moon

Beltane is the season for love spells. I've learned one important principle from the four love spells I've performed for myself: The Goddess sends me what I'm ready for, not necessarily what I ask for. Two of the spells resulted in passionate but brief relationships; two resulted in marriages. All four were life-changing because I was presented with core spiritual lessons. Let me pause here to note that I've avoided manipulating anyone's will by asking the Goddess for a particular person – instead I've asked for someone with the specific characteristics: loving, considerate, sexy, and so forth. What I learned from the first spell I performed over 10 years ago is that I wasn't yet emotionally mature enough to attract the caring man I asked for. Instead I attracted a partner who was just as self-centered as I was. The pain resulting from that relationship taught me that if I wanted to receive, I also had to give. It also taught me to set emotional boundaries and honor my inner-knowing instead of losing myself in the hormonal high. Over the next decade, the Goddess gave me opportunities to practice being the partner I wanted to attract and continued presenting me with relationship lessons. (I recommend Cheri Huber's book, Be the Person You Want to Find )

On Beltane three years ago, I performed my most recent love spell, which brought me my current partner. I must admit that, as I wrote out my wish list of characteristics I wanted my partner to have, I was skeptical that anyone with those characteristics existed. For example, I don't own a TV and I wanted to find someone else who preferred life without TV. How rare is that? Yet I went ahead and listed all my desired characteristics anyway. The result: I was pleasantly surprised with a man who evidenced all those characteristics and more. We even share a fundamentalist Christian upbringing yet a current Pagan spirituality. I saw this result as an affirmation that my desires had finally aligned with my own partnering abilities. In fact, I feel that I have finally been given the partner I have been seeking for over 10 years. However, the relationship lessons haven't stopped!

On Beltane of last year, my partner and I took our marriage vows, something I felt I would never do again (being the veteran of two previous marriages). My sisters here at The White Moon helped me to explore and overcome my fears about taking this step, a step that was very important to my now-husband, a step about which I have no regrets. My current relationship challenges involve letting go of the illusion of control about my partner's life decisions. For example, if he is stuck in a lousy job situation, that's his lesson. I can be supportive and can give my opinion when asked, but his lessons are his lessons. If I seek to soften them or to make the decisions for him, I'm not only robbing him of an important lesson, I'm guaranteeing that the lesson will be repeated until he learns what he needs to learn. Detaching with love is my lesson, one that I am slowly learning as I am given opportunities to practice.

I am convinced that my spiritual lessons, including relationship lessons, will continue until I die. In my cosmology, I'm here to learn and to teach. When I'm done learning, I'm ready to pass on. This principle has been a difficult one for me to accept. (What?! More lessons?!?) But I know from experience that the payoff from lessons learned is well worth the effort. My current relationship is a clear example of that.

About The Author: Luna is a college professor and spiritual teacher who lives in Sacramento, California with her partner, Red Beard, and their Corgi, Roxie. She heads White Moon School of The Feminine Divine through her website. To find out more about her, click here

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Moon Moon Mother Moon
A Column by GrannyMoon

Just What Is The "Dark Moon" ?

Three days before the New Moon, She goes into hiding. Just where has She gone you ask? Has She really left Father Sky?

No, but She is so close to the Sun that She cannot be seen even. She is in the middle of the time when the Moon and Sun are in conjunction. The term "Dark Moon" is used, to distinguish it from the moment when the first sliver of the "New Moon" is first seen.

She leaves the Earth in darkness for a period of rest, meditation, vision quests, banishings, a time for exploring our darkest recesses, for understanding our anger and passion, and for bringing justice to bear.

This is the time of the Ancient Crone...our Dark Mother Hecate. Honor the Dark Moon and you will feel Her magick and know Her mysteries. Call on her now to render her wisdom, just be sure to offer her deep dark chocolate in thanks! This recipe has been handed down in my family for many generations.

Granny's Moon's Family Fudge Recipe
A perfect recipe for a Dark Moon, but do not make this on a rainy day!
2/3 cup cocoa
3 cups granulated sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups milk
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter or margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Thoroughly combine dry ingredients in a heavy 4-quart saucepan. Stir in milk deosil, never widdershins; bring to a bubbly boil on medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil without stirring to 234 degrees F (soft ball stage). The bulb of the candy thermometer should not rest on bottom of pan.

Remove from heat. Add butter or margarine and vanilla extract. Do not stir. Cool at room temperature to 110 degrees F. Beat until fudge thickens and loses some of its gloss. Quickly spread in a lightly buttered 8- or 9-inch square pan. Cool. Makes 3 dozen squares. Enjoy!

(This recipe can be doubled...double double, toil and trouble!)

Written on the Dark Moon 2005

About The Author: GrannyMoon is a High Priestess and Charter Council Member of The Order of the White Moon.Former staff member and student of the Esoteric Theological Seminary, LDS Seminary and is an ordained Metaphysical Interfaith minister with doctoral degrees in Theology and Divinity. Doula, Reiki Master and Lifetime Member of Herbal Healer Academy, Inc. Founder of Sisters of the Burning Branch, dedicated to the Feminine Divine.

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Morning Prayer
A Column by Ezevia Rose

This is an ancient disciplined movement similar to TaiChi for morning prayer. As the community drum beats the heartbeat of the Mother the dancers face East. The beginning motion establishes that the two-legged will be a full and open conduit between heaven and earth.

Starting in the East
1. Open the left wing wide (arm) and far, stretching the heart muscle.
2. Open the right wing, knowing one can soar as the eagle.
3. Open the shield (raise both arms up and out towards the sky) revealing oneself to the Great Spirit.
4. Gather from Mother Earth (bending down and imagining to take a gift ) and give up to Father of the Heaven.
5. Gather from the Father of Heaven (reaching out and imaging the gift you will take) and give back to Mother Earth (bending to the ground give your gift to the Mother Earth)
6. Collect what is in your heart and give out to all the people of the world. (tossing into the air the gift of your heart)
7. Gather from the people and replenish what is in the heart bringing harmony between Heaven and Earth.

Continue with the remaining 3 directions (repeating the above motions)

This is the circle of life, the opening and closing, the giving and the receiving, the balance of above and below, the inner and the outer, the up and the down.

We greet the sunrise bringing renewed beauty, hope, faith and health to the dawn of day.

About The Author: HPS Ezevia Rose, Sisters of the Burning Branch, Order of the White Moon; Teacher of young children, singer, musician, herbalist and avid gardener.

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Beltane Rituals
A Column by Freya

The name Beltane implies “fire of bel” and is also known as May Eve, and May Day. It signifies the height of Spring and the sensuality of life. This date has been considered one of the power points of the Zodiac, and is symbolized by the "Tetramorph" figures featured on Tarot cards (Tetramorph means Four Elements) Astrologers know these figures as the symbols of the four signs of the Zodiac - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius - which align with the four Great Sabbats of the Craft. Beltane is also one of the three spirit-nights of the year when the faeries can be seen. To welcome the magick of the Faeries into your home on this Sabbat try my Beltane aromatherapy blend;

3 drops Rose EO
3 drops Vanilla EO
3 drops Honeysuckle EO

Burn in diffuser or aroma lamp and feel the magick unfold

Beltane celebrations traditionally begin with the lighting of Beltane bonfires at moon-rise on May Day eve to light the way for Summer. A ritual in form of the Maypole dance is performed, representing the unity between the Goddess, manifesting as the May Queen and Flora ( Ribbons), and the God ( Pole).

As a festival of passion, Beltane represents one of the two greatest Sabbats in the Pagan wheel of the year, second only to Samhain, which lies directly opposite it on the Wheel.

In Germany, Beltane is also known as Walpurgis Night, which means "Night of the Witches." With the take–over of Christianity, the life-affirming Maypole, became the death- affirming cross. Thus, in the Christian calendar, this was celebrated as 'Roodma,' which is an archaic English word meaning "Mass of the Cross".

Traditional Symbols for Beltane include;
May Fires
Cakes and Wine

Colors, Herbs, and Flowers symbolic for Beltane include;
All Greens
St.John’s Wort

Traditional incense include;

Beltane Cakes

1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup butter (unsalted)
1 egg
1 cup mashed peaches
1 1/2 cup rolled oats
cinnamon to taste

Mix flour, baking powder, and brown sugar together, cut butter into mixture , add egg and peaches, add some cinnamon to taste. Drop tablespoons of dough onto cookie sheet and bake at 350 F for about 15 - 17 min.

About The Author: Freya is ordained High Priestess in the Order of The White Moon, Founder of the school and circle of Sisters In Freya's Moon, Reiki Teacher, Celtic Shaman Practitioner and have a doctorate degree in Naturology with diplomas and certificates in related fields.

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Manifesting the Power of Beltane
A Column by Rhianna

Beltane is the height of Spring and celebrates the flowering of life. It marks the beginning of the light half of the year and is full of fun and mischief. This is a time when, like Samhain, the veils are thinnest, making it a magical time when anything is possible. Beltane marks the passage into the growing season so it’s appropriate that we evaluate our lives and nurture those tender “plants” that we have started and to help them grow and manifest in our lives.

About two days before your Beltane ritual, grab a pen and paper and find someplace quiet where you won’t be disturbed. Outdoors with the flowers and budding trees would be a wonderful choice, if possible. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath. Hold it for a count of three and then slowly release it. Do this several more times until you are relaxed. Visualize your spine going down through the earth like the root of a tree. Watch it travel down, down and in the center of the earth, there is a large rock. Wrap your “root” around this rock and anchor yourself there. Now you are connected to the earth. Next, visualize a beam of white light rising through your crown and up to the Universe. Take another deep breath from your heart charka. Now that you are grounded and centered, take a moment to just revel in the connection that you have made.

When you are ready, think about what you have chosen to add to your life recently. Have you put them into action? Are they working for you? What about the rest of your life? Are you happy with where you see yourself going? Is there anything else you would like to add to enhance your journey? Really take the time to fully evaluate what you have, what you would like and what you need. When you’ve worked all this out for yourself, write down what you’ve come up with. Write down those items that you’ve already added to your life and need more nurturing, write down those items that you’d like to add that will only enhance your life and if needed, write down those things that are impeding you.

Once you have your list and have received all that you feel you need from this meditation, thank the Universe for the gift of its energy, take what you need, return the rest and slowly draw your beam of white light back from the Universe. Now, thank the earth for the gift of its energy, take what you need, return the rest and slowly release the rock to which you are anchored. Draw your “root” back up into your spine. Know that the energy is there for you whenever you need it. For the next two days, keep this list with you and read it often. Ingrain it into your mind. Visualize the outcome. Bring this paper to your circle at Beltane.

Before your Beltane ritual, add a few extra items to your list of supplies. You will need a small yellow candle and holder, an essential oil that calls to you, a rose quartz and of course your list. At some point during your ritual, hold the rose quartz in your hand and anoint your candle with the oil. As you anoint it, think of your list, repeat it out loud, visualize it. This energy will transfer into the candle and the rose quartz. Put the candle in its holder on top of the paper that your list is written on and put the rose quartz in front of the candle. Light the candle and visualize it carrying your intentions to the Universe. Let the candle burn out. Now, you have sent your intentions to the Universe and you have created a talisman in the rose quartz to help you stay centered on your goal(s). Finish and close your ritual as you planned. Carry this rose quartz with you for about a week or two while you are implementing your changes. After this period of time, you can continue to carry it as you wish or just use it when you need it. Give it a place of honor. When you no longer need it, give it back to the earth with your thanks.

Of course there are many ways to manifest the power of Beltane. This is a great time to harness that power and use it to bring about the changes that you wish to see in your life. I hope this holiday finds you all in happiness and love.

About The Author: Rhianna is a High Priestess in the Order of the White Moon and will soon be opening her own branch, Sisters of the Spiral Garden. She is an ordained minister through the Ministry of Light Interfaith Church and a Reiki Master/Teacher. She lives in Texas with her husband and two furbabies.

Witch Works: Spells and Rituals for Every Season
A Column by Banshee

Beltane is a special time of year, with love and lust in the air. Beltane, because of its association with fertility, love, and sexual desire, was seen as an excellent time to marry one's beloved. If you are considering having a handfasting ceremony, renewing your vows, or want to affirm them in a pagan ceremony, consider performing your own handfasting ritual this Beltane season!

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Hand Fasting Ritual

Long ribbon or soft rope (~ 3 feet)
Vows to exchange (written by the couple)
Small gifts (or rings) to be exchanged by the couple.
5 rose candles (Quarter and god candle (god candle can be red))
1 white candle (Goddess candle)
Gifts from the coven/guests for the couple.

Cast the circle normally.
Invoke the Goddess and God normally, or as below. If no HPs are available or you are a solitary, work all elements of the ritual yourself.

We call upon you in the guise of Eros,
Kindler of desire,
Bringer of love,
to join us here and witness the bonding
of _____and_____.

We call upon you in the guise of Aphrodite,
Always desirous one,
Sensual lover,
to join us here and witness the joining
of _____and _____.

Grounding meditation.

The HPriest and HPriestess motion the two people to be hand fasted to join them before the altar.

Couple faces the altar.

(to one of the couple, the female if the couple are of
opposite gender) Do you _____join us here of your
own free will, to acknowledge before the Lord and
Lady the bond that is shared between yourself and
(responds (hopefully this will be a yes :) if not,
go to closing).

HPriestess asks the other the same thing and gets response.
Couple turns to face each other and join their left hands.
Each now recites the vows they have prepared.

(taking the joined left hands, and the rope)
Here before witnesses, _____ and _____ have
sworn vows to each other. With this cord, I bind
them to the vows that they each have made. (wrap
the cord loosely around both arms) However this
binding is not tied, so that neither is restricted by
the other, and the binding is only enforced by both
their wills.
(turning to face each other, in unison)
Heart to thee,
Soul to thee,
Body to thee,
Forever and always,
So mote it be.

So mote it be.

Couple unbinds their left arms.
Couple exchanges the gifts they have brought for each other.
Coven members and guests give couple good wishes and/or gifts.
Great rite and Cakes and Ale.

Bid farewell to God and Goddess as usual, or as below.

We thank you Aphrodite, for your presence among us,
And as you take your leave, we ask that you leave
among us, in each of us, the ability to each be
Sensual lover, and desirous one.
Hail and farewell.

We thank you Eros, for your presence here this day,
And ask, as you take your leave, that you leave in
each of us, the ability to be
a Bringer of desire, and kindler of love.
Hail and farewell.

Dismiss the Quarters, and open the circle.

About the Author: Banshee is a solitary practitioner from the Midwest. She is currently a student at The White Moon School, studying to become a High Priestess. Banshee has been a practicing witch for 4 years and performs tarot readings and long distance energy work via the Internet.

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Working with Tarot
by Leigh Hall

When I first started working with tarot cards I thought they could be used primarily in two different ways: (a) to tell the future and (b) as a decision making tool. I believed that the tarot was a way for me to get advice about myself and to help me make better decisions in my life. It provided me with time to reflect on what I had done, what I might do, and the directions that could result from my decisions.

Recently I have made it a goal to read more books on tarot and to try to develop a more thorough understanding of it. This led me in a very different direction than I anticipated. I began to see how tarot could be used in many ways beyond the two I listed above. In this column, I will share with you some of the more interesting books I have found and hopefully expand your thinking about how to use your tarot cards.

1.Tarot Shadow Work: Using the Dark Symbols to Heal; Christine Jette (2000): This book helps you explore the darker side of yourself. In doing so, you can develop a better understanding of who you are and what influences your actions. The book also helps you take control of aspects about yourself that may be less than helpful and change them in ways that can be more beneficial. This is a great book, but requires a serious time commitment. You have to devote regular time to identifying and working with your shadows.

2.Designing Your Own Tarot Spreads; Teresa Michelsen (2003): There are many books filled with tarot spreads that you can buy. However, if you are ready to make your spreads more personal and customize them to fit your questions and needs then this book can help get you there. The great thing about this book is it helps to break you from the constraints of what a spread "should" look like. It will help you to see how you can take spreads others have done and, with some editing work, change them into spreads more suitable for you. There is no “right” way that a spread has to look and this book will help get you past this idea.

3.Tarot for Yourself: A Workbook for Personal Transformation (Second Edition); Mary K. Greer (2002): This is a great book that will help you connect with your cards. The author helps you learn how to meditate and dialogue with the cards as well as how to do readings for yourself. You are encouraged to make your own sense out of the cards without having to rely on a textbook to tell you what your interpretation should mean. I have found this to be a great way to further my own understandings of the cards as well as help me gain deeper meaning from my spreads.

These books can hopefully give you a new way to think about and explore the cards. There are many other books out there that explore tarot as it relates to your dreams and past life experiences. The point I take away from this is that tarot cards are far reaching and can help us in many aspects in our lives. In the beginning, I put limits on what I thought they could do. These books have shown me that there any limits that do exist are in my mind.

About the Author: Leigh Hall is an Adept in the Order of the White Moon. She has been working with the tarot for approximately five months and continues to study and work with it on a regular basis. Currently, Leigh is completing her Level III studies through the Order of the White Moon.

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Goddess Spell to Strengthen Your Intuition
A Column by Beth Johnson (Mystic)

Do this spell on a Monday, during a Full Moon. Gather together two Silver Altar Candles, a Gold Offertory/Purpose Candle, and a Dark Green Astral Candle, because the person is a Capricorn. The candles may be of any of these scents, or any combination of these aromatherapy scents: Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Lotus, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Thyme, Vetiver. Inscribe an Ankh on the Purpose Candle. Dress the candles with any of these oils or any combination of them: Cinnamon Leaf, Clove Bud, Cedarwood, Camphor, Lemon Grass, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Sweet Orange. After you have inscribed and dressed your candle, roll it in 7 of these herbs: Almond, Apple, Cedar, Cinnamon, Daisy, Marjoram, Mint, Sage, Thyme. Before lighting these candles, put 7 of these crystals in any combinations, around the candles (if you have enough to put 7 of each, that would be good to): Quartz, Beryl, Jet, Obsidian, Hematite, Gold, Silver, Agate, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Copper, Lead, Moonstone, seashells. These are stones that are a combination of the purpose of the spell and the astrological sign stones for Capricorn.

Before you light the candles and begin your spell, cast your circle with visualization. Use a gold outer circle and a silver inner circle. Take a moment to get in touch with your Goddess and re-dedicate yourself to the purpose of this spell. Say this chant to the Goddess 7 times:

"Goddess, Lady of Love and Light
Let my thoughts be clear and bright;
Bless my heart and soul this night."

See the Goddess touching your Third Eye and opening it. Feel your spirit guides and ancestors around you, wishing you well, willing to teach you. Dedicate yourself to using your new insights to help yourself and others. Know that these psychic abilities and insights will stay with you and enrich your life. When the candles burn down, thank the Goddess, your guides and ancestors, and tell them goodnight.

About The Author: Beth Johnson, (Mystic) is a student of Sisters In Freya's Moon,born August 10, 1944, Mystic is the oldest of four children. Her father was a minister (from a long line of Methodist ministers) and her mother taught piano and French. Mystic was born while her father was a chaplain in the Navy, serving on a ship with General MacArthur in the Phillipines. His father had been a chaplain in the Army in WWI. Mystic was married for 25 years to a marine and has two children, Kristin and Erik, both married but no grandchildren yet. She is divorced and lives in Saltillo, Mississippi. She is a folk artist and sometimes teach that and fabric painting with dyes. She also teaches Reiki and sometimes basic Tarot. She loves to read, dance barefooted, write poems and spells, do candle magick, make candles, and date her boyfriend Frank.

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The Bardic Soul: Poetry and Song For The Spirit

by Nessa CrescentMoon

"And oh, my lover there is no sleep
For in this dark my eyes can see
By this night, by yon oak tree
By the fires of Belthane come to me"
©Powervibe Music

I truly enjoy music. I play it every chance I get…. the radio, the CD player…. and sometimes I have been known to play a mean Kazoo! This season I would like to share my favorite Beltane song. A groovy, you know what’s going on–kind of song by Laura Powers, coincidentally titled Belthane Fires, from her 2000 release: Beyond the Pale: Legends of the Goddess II. You can listen in on her homepage at

About The Author: Nessa CrescentMoon is an Adept with the Order of the White Moon. She lives in Illinois with her partner, their children, and two turtles and a cat.

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by Beth Johnson (Mystic)

I go to a place
where no one can
find me;
Where I can't
even reach

-Beth Johnson

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Remember You Need Me
by Beth Johnson (Mystic)

Come to me,
Spend time with me,
I need you
and you need me too...
Remember that!
Make love to me,
Hold me tight
Cuddle with me
through the night.
Laughing, kissing,
Holding hands,
Things that lovers
Come to me,
Spend time with me.
I need you
and you need me too...
Remember that!

I wrote this as a poem, but if you want to use it as a spell or chant, say it three times while lighting a pink or red candle. Then say or yell "So Mote It Be!" at the end.

-Beth Johnson

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by Beth Johnson (Mystic)

I asked for love,
and you gave me criticism;
I asked for nurture,
and you gave me
blood to drink.

-Beth Johnson

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by Beth Johnson (Mystic)

I need your kisses
your hands upon my breasts
the softness of your chest hair
under my caress.

I was lonely once
withdrawn within myself
no one to touch or hold me,
like a statue on a shelf.

Now like a shy deer,
I come up to you
ready to run, if
you don't want me near.

I wonder if you love me
I'm still afraid to try
don't want to be rejected,
and left alone to cry.

But my need for love is greater
and my need to give is too,
So here's my love and kisses!
I'm giving them to you.

-Beth Johnson

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Timid Love by Beth Johnson (Mystic)

Running and swirling,
Jumping and flying,
hopping and hoping
dancing and whirling,
afraid to be still.

not sure not sure
everything is going round
not sure not sure
things are not the same
not sure not sure
if i should disappear
not sure not sure
afraid, afraid of change.

hiding hiding
back within myself
like i used to
what if i never
can come out?
not sure not sure
everything is going round
not sure not sure
should i come alive
or stay the same?
not sure i can do it
not sure i can be
not sure i'm a woman
or just
the same old me
not sure not sure
afraid, afraid of change;
but even more afraid
not to change.

-Beth Johnson

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Weaving The Web . . . Web Resources

About Us
Dream Interpretation
Index To Order of the White Moon On-Line Courses
Donations Always Welcome
Mary As Goddess
Our Goddess Gallery
Prayer Requests
Professional Tarot Readings From the Order of the White Moon
Recommended Reading
Seasons of the Moon E-zine - Back Issues On-line
Teachers and Practioners
Traditions - Order of the White Moon
Weekly Tarot Zodiac

WitchVox: Beltane (Beltaine):

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DISCLAIMER: The articles featured in Seasons of the Moon are written and/or submitted by members of The Order of The White Moon and are their own intellectual property. Please feel free to share this publication with others, but please do give credit where credit is due and link back to the source:

Thank you for reading, we hope that you have enjoyed it just as much as we have enjoyed presenting it to you! Read the on-line illustrated version of Seasons of the Moon online at:

Blessings Of The Season To You And Yours!

Seasons of The Moon Staff
The Order of The White Moon

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