Here is a magick spell for ending something in your life
and bringing about change.
On the night of the dark moon, gather these items:
white candle, black candle, Belladonna incense,
picture of an owl, paper, pen, cauldron, lighter
cast a circle
light the Belladonna incense
write down on a piece of paper what you want to get rid of
As you light the black candle say,
"Blodeuwedd, I ask you to help me (what your purpose is)."
Light the paper and put it in the cauldron.
See this gone from your life.
"As things must die, so does (what your purpsoe is).
Blodeuwedd carry away on your wings (what your purpose is)."
Light the white candle and say,
"White Lady, Owl of Transformation, bring change to my life."
Write down what you want changed in your life.
Light the paper and put in cauldron.
See this change already have happened.
Say, "It is done. Thank you Blodeuwedd. So mote it be!"