To find Hecate,
You must be still,
You must be silent,
And you must listen.
She resides in the cave of soul,
In the liminal places below,
In the spaces between light and dark,
Queen of the Shades, dimly seen.
Her voice echoes from the walls of dreams,
In the lay of the cards,
In the throw of the stones,
In the lightening flash of insight.
If you want her to come,
You must open wide,
Turn inside out,
And pay attention.
And the old, dark one says,
"You've called my name, you've burned my candles, you have summoned me.
Here I am."
And she is here, and what a frightful image I have conjured – scary hag!
And she is all that, and she is not all that.
(It won't be easy).
She is buried. I always find her below, beneath, at the bottom of the well,
Deep in the womb of a cave (or is it the cave of my womb?)
These are the places I fear the most – the dark, the beneath places.
And the old, dark one says,
"I shall be your guide, and you shall master these places, and my torches shall light the way, and my key shall unlock the doors, and my athame shall slay demons."

Frog Amulet, from Amulets of the Goddess, by Nancy Blair
Working with Hecate