The White Moon Gallery Presents
A "Goddess Among Us"
Created by Spiralotus

St. Hildegard of Bingen lived between 1098-1179. Benedictine abbess and mystic called “the Sybil of the
Rhine.” She was born in Bockelheim, Germany. Sickly as
a child, she was given to an aunt, Jutta, for care in
a hermitage near Speyer. She founded Rupertsberg
Convent near Bingen around 1147. She was one of the
first great German mystics, a poetess, and prophetess.
Her music and poetry have remained popular over the
centuries, all part of her recorded mystical
experiences. Her best known work is Scivias, written
between 1141 and 1151, relating twenty six of her
visions. Never formally canonized, Hildegard is
regarded as a saint. According to some sources, the
paperwork was lost by the Vatican.
Music was extremely important to Hildegard. She
describes it as the means of recapturing the original
joy and beauty of paradise. Hildegard wrote hymns in
honor of saints, virgins and Mary. She wrote in the
plainchant tradition. Her music is undergoing a
revival and enjoying huge public success. If you
purchase some of Hildegards works be sure to read the
translations of the latin text of the songs which
provide a good example of Hildegard's writing. All her
works are sung only by women.
Hildegard had visions of the Shekinah and would
describe her visions to a scribe. Many of her herbal
healing information came from her visions. Several
herbalists and dentists have studied her works, and
have found them to be quite sound. She often signed
her letters to "stay moist and juicy". Hildegard is
considered by some to be a wonderful herbalist and
Here are some of Hildegard's beliefs:
Our eyes are a mirror reflecting the mood of the soul.
Bright eyes are signs of life. If someone is
physically healthy, he or she has clear and sparkling
eyes. Dull eyes are signs of death!
Faulty metabolism may be caused by environmental
stress and poor nutrition.
Keep smiling.
No other mental disturbance is as debilitating to a
person as rage.
Hildegard's Feastday is September 17.
This illustration is from "Livre des trois vertus," "Book of Three Virtues"
from www.yale.eud
Ritual for Herbal Healing Craft:
This is a ritual I created when I am making herbal
tinctures, salves, or oils. I invoke Hildegard to my
healing crafts. I also put out her picture and play
her music when I am teaching herbal craft.
You will need:
Green candle
A CD of Hildegard's music
A picture of the Saint (optional)
Your supplies for the herbal craft of your choice.
If it is convenient and practical, create your sacred
space before your prayer and work.
Prayer to St. Hildegard:
Holy Mother, bless me as I work with these herbs.
Help me to heal using the green's power.
Guide me as I create in my herbal craft.
And Bless me with your holy knowledge.
So Mote It Be.
Create your tinctures, oils and salves, knowing that
St. Hildegard watches and guides you. She will answer
you with knowledge for healing if you call on her.
When you are finished, open your circle, thanking
Hildegard for her blessings.
Herbal Rituals
by Judith Berger
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