The order of the white moon goddess gallery presents
Volcano Goddess Pele
Image courtesy of Hrana Janto Illustration and Illumination
A Level I Final Project for The Sacred Three Goddess School by
~ Cherdwynn ~
Level I Initiate of the Order of the White Moon
(© 2013. All original material in this site is under copyright protection and is the intellectual property of the author.)
Volcano Goddess Pele was born as a Flame In the Mouth of Her Earth Mother ~ Haumea Grand Daughter of the Great Sky Goddess Papa, Great Grand Daughter of Mother Goddess.
According to legend, Pele was born on the magical island of Bora Bora. She was known as the “Flame in the Mouth of Mother Earth.” Her father cast her out of the beautiful family home because of her temper. Her older sister was Na-Maka-O-Kaha’i, the goddess of water. Pele seduced Na-Maka-O-Kaha’i’s husband and sent her sister into a jealous and vengeful rage.
Pele moved from one island to another in attempt to escape from her sister, but wherever she went, Na-Maka-O-Kaha’i sent turbulent flood waters. Finally, Pele found safety high on the mountainside of Kilauea on the Big Island of Hawaii. She established her home there with her two other sisters and her brothers.
Pele and her sisters loved to dance. They are honored as the goddesses of the hula. Once while at a dance ceremony, Pele fell in love at first site with a handsome young chief named Lohi’au. She changed herself into a beautiful young woman and seduced him. The two lovers spent many passionate days and nights together.
Eventually Pele had to return to her home. She did so without telling Lohi’au. She missed him so much that she sent her sister, Hi’iaka to bring him to Kilauea.
When her sister arrived at the chief’s home, she discovered that he had grieved Pele’s disappearance so much that he died of a broken heart. Hi’iaka used magic to restore him and bring him back to life. Meanwhile, Pele grew suspicious that Hi’iaka had stolen Lohi’au from her.Pele did not know that Hi’iaka was bringing Lohi’au to her and when she saw them arm-in-arm she sent fiery lava to destroy her sister’s home. Hi’iaka tried unsuccessfully to save Lohi’au from the sea of destruction. Pele killed her beloved chief because of her jealous temper. One of Pele’s brothers caught Lohi’au’s spirit as it floated from his body and restored him to life.
‡ Legend has it that Pele is known for her violent temper, but also for her common visits among mortals.
‡ She is said to appear either as a tall, beautiful young woman or as a very old, ugly and frail woman.
‡ She is often accompanied by a white dog and typically tests people.Myths are told of Pele wandering up to people in the form of an old beggar woman, asking them if they have any food or drink to spare.
Those who share with her are rewarded and spared. Those who are greedy and unkind to her are punished by having their homes or crops destroyed, so that they themselves may have to rely on the kindness of others.
Pele is a goddess of fire, lightning, dance, volcanoes and violence.
Her poetic name, Ka wahine `ai honua, the woman who devours the land, is both creator and destroyer.
She throws molten fountains into the air, governs the great flows of lava, and has been known to reveal herself throughout the island of Hawaii, her home.The Hawaiian word Pele means molten lava.Dwelling in the craters of the Big Island's Kilauea Volcano, Pele has been sending ribbons of fiery lava down the mountainside and adding new land around the southeastern shore almost continuously since 1983.
The ohi`a lehua tree, sacred to the goddess Pele, is always the first to sprout and grow on the hard earth of a lava bed.
Pele has been honored as the “Spirit of Fire.” With no written language, Hawaiians recorded their histories, genealogies, legends, and the phenomena of their gods and Goddesses through the creation and memorization of chants, known as oli, and dances, called hula.
According to legend, the first hula occurred when Pele, the goddess of fire and volcanoes, wanted her sisters to entertain her with song and dance.
Like a volcano’s lava that creates new land, the goddess Pele reminds us that, even fiery eruptions and emotional upheavals are followed by new life and change.
We can call on Pele’s fire power if we need physical energy, motivation, empowerment and positive intentions. Pele can also help us to transmute and clear old, stagnant energy.Pele’s story reminds us that when we know who we are and when we honor that energy, and when we honor our True Self, we will find our place in the world.
We are also reminded, when we are pursuing our True Path, to persevere despite perceived obstacles.
We are encouraged to not give up just before we reach the destination of our dreams.
Ritual Dedicated to Pele
She challenges and assists us into bringing forth that which lies dormant in the very core of our Being. This awakens us to use our Gifts creatively and fully for all to Experience.
‡ Invoke Pele asking her to clear and purify all that is not needed, what needs to be cleansed, and the blocks and barriers that have held your desire in dormancy.
‡ Burn some cedar incense, giving the cleansing in offering.
‡ Lighting a red candle meditate briefly on the experience or desire we wish to bring into our lives.
‡ Lighting a yellow candle ask her to show us how we can use our gifts creatively to manifest our experience.
‡ Lighting an orange candle raise the emotions this experience will bring you.
‡ Release this energy into the universe.
‡ Thank Pele and honor Her with a prayer of your choosing in gratitude, and close by asking that harm comes to none, so mote it be.
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