Order of the White Moon Presents




By Veritas


A Level II Final Project for Dark Moon’s Heart School


(© 2022.  All original material in this site is under copyright protection and is the intellectual property of the author.)



© Original artwork created by the author




Goddess Worship

Goddess wisdom, when invoked, holds sovereignty above all other consciousness – as Goddess is the ultimate thinking and ideal design. She is the way, and if forgotten – the original plan, as when formed by our higher selves prior to incarnation. Goddess worship is a woman being herself, and not for the purposes of religious status or to rival other Gods and their holy texts. Her very life is the wisdom that is almost never stated in words but is instead, regularly inferred.


“The connectivity of inference is analyzable in terms of continuity and not discreetness, while in contrast, juxtaposition is understood in terms of discreetness.” – (Lee)



There may be times when Goddess wisdom seems like the ignorant and self-centered knowledge of a person with questionable morals, and perhaps when her essence is not plainly expressed in easier-to-understand linear thought. The Goddess instead relies on inference, which may not always be communicated in conceptual-connections (either formal or semantic) that would make implicit-connections explicit (Lee, Journal of Philosophy).


An expression of the Goddess is contiguous. She IS life. She is the continuum – a continuous, (connected) whole. Therefore, Goddess is our connection to the ideal as demonstrated in her beingness. Whatever the occasion is, the objective, or a question – mother must be well, and while she is known to protect the young children near her who are an extension of ‘herself.’



Operational structures are elements being transformed that result in formal expressions and are not primitive – which would be the opposite of a formal system and of evolved. A Goddess is the evolution itself, as ‘structures experience a continuous process of transformation and construction (Lee). A woman is a structure, as well as an expression, and so also an abstraction of the entire system. This is a domain where insight into the validity of certain ideas or designs may be out of immediate reach (Batt). Then if logic is used to make assessments, the ultimate goal or purpose could be dismissed, and as a consequence, the structure itself may decline or die. Even if what she expects a man to do could end in annihilation, he must accept the paradox and find a way to preserve and appease her.


Persephone is the Goddess of Spring and we think of growth and bloom. “Dormant plants begin to grow again, new seedlings sprout out of the ground and hibernating animals awake (Live Science).”



Thus the Goddess Persephone might be regarded as a measurement, as she is the continuous seasons within a formal system, and is therefore somewhat predictable. And because of her scope, it is possible to divine oppressive situations that may involve failure, grief, loss, or troubles, and which may have been going on for years. This is because when Persephone was forced into the underworld, she and her mother Demeter (the goddess of earth’s fertility and harvest) faced such insurmountable odds, finding themselves pitted against the most powerful entities in the universe and with only each other to rely on. For example: Demeter had to search around the world in desperation for Persephone without any news of her whereabouts for some time. Also troubling, was the land, a friend of Demeter’s, which was said to have been complicit when it opened and allowed Hades to escape with his prisoner. Many of the people with influence, like Helios and Hermes, only offered their discouragement. And other peers like Aphrodite and Eros, had been the original cause of the problem, as they had conspired to tarnish Persephone’s chastity. Zeus, Persephone’s father, may have inadvertently arranged the kidnapping by offering Persephone’s hand without permission – or (in other versions) does not want to get involved because of the politics. Later, after Demeter threatens Zeus with widespread famine and death and he finally helps, it is done in a way that sets Persephone up to fail, and so on…



Persephone is the Queen of the dead – though she is the mercy found in death, as demonstrated with Hercules and Orpheus, and is calming for Cerberus. She is friends with Hecate – Goddess of magic, who reveals answers, and her lover is Adonis, the most beautiful man in the world. Persephone lives with Hades for half of the year and brings spring and summer when she returns to her mother.



A tarot deck depicting death is needed. (Alchemy 1977 England Tarot is one example).

Persephone is a pathway for bringing forth desires from the underworld (or unseen world) and for raising situations that are seemingly dead. Before shuffling the cards it may help to process some questions like: Why won’t you bring in the spring? (Perhaps there is a subconscious awareness of some losses you will suffer). Is there something in your heart feelings that is preventing you? Do you fear being tempted somehow (like when Persephone ate the six seeds of the pomegranate)? Next, try to sense the earth’s energy and the way it will eventually pull through the fall and winter and bring forth the spring – in time, along with the needed conditions. Arrange the tarot cards in such a way that acknowledges the dead as well as the anticipated arrival of Persephone in the spring.





Lee, D. (1949). Being and value in a primitive culture. The Journal of Philosophy, 46(13), 401-415.


Van Lambalgen, M. (1992). Independence, Randomness and the Axiom of Choice. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 57(4), 1274–1304. https://doi.org/10.2307/2275368




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