We have been blessed with the gift of free will. This means we have the opportunity to make choices in our lives. Sometimes the decisions we make may not be the best for us and others. We then need to live with the consequences of our actions. When we choose to see our lives and the world pessimistically then we focus on all that is “bad” or “wrong”. For example, you just lost your job. You go home depressed, thinking about how you are going to pay your bills and feed your family. Living in this depressed state may keep you from looking for another job or accepting a position that does not make use of your talents and gifts. This focus continues to create the exact same or worse conditions.
Our awareness of only what is not working in our lives blocks out our vision of what is working. However, inviting Themis into our lives helps us to make the best choices not only for us but also for all. She helps us to see more than one side to an issue. You begin to realize you have your health and a wonderful opportunity to find the job you have always dreamt of. That dream job comes to you in a short time because you are focusing on the positive aspects. Not only are you utilizing your talents but also your family is receiving the benefits of your greater salary and the company benefits in gaining a very valued employee.