Seasons of the Moon

Volume 3  Issue 1 -- Samhain 2005

Seasons of the Moon is a quarterly online magazine published by students and members of The Order of The White Moon, an eclectic international order of women dedicated to The Goddess. The Order provides personal empowerment and priestess training, and operates local groups. All contributions are original material submitted by our students and members. (We do not accept outside contributions.) Your comments and questions are welcome, please direct them to the EZINE Editor:

Seasons Of The Moon Editors and Council:
Granny Moon
Teal Moon
Assistant Editors:


Goddess Work
Moon Moon Mother Moon.....................................................................................................GrannyMoon
Honoring Ancestors..............................................................................................................Arteal
Living a Magickal Life............................................................................................................Lotus Moonwise
The Charge of the Goddess for Children..................................................................................Anja
Listen to the Star Goddess!...................................................................................................Anja
Witch Works: Spells and Rituals for Every Season..................................................................Kelly
Samhain Solitary Ritual.........................................................................................................Eden
Seasonal Ritual for Samhain..................................................................................................Morrigan
The Bardic Soul
Samhain Song......................................................................................................................Dame Niamh
The Locust Trees..................................................................................................................Dame Niamh
Persephone's Promise...........................................................................................................Melodie Bolt
We Meet Again.....................................................................................................................Melodie Bolt
Golden Future.......................................................................................................................Melodie Bolt
The Broom Closet.................................................................................................................Ezevia Rose
Under the Light of the Moon...................................................................................................SpiritWalker
Return to the Wylde..............................................................................................................SpiritWalker
Inside Her............................................................................................................................Morrigan
Triple Moon Gathering...........................................................................................................Mystic Amazon
What Was That Incantation Again?........................................................................................Mystic Amazon
A Halloween In Salem-Turnopia.............................................................................................Mystic Amazon

Weaving The Web
Getting To Know The Order of the White Moon

Goddess Work

Moon Moon Mother Moon

The Dark Moon
By GrannyMoon

Whirling dervishes
We Are We Are
Under the Dark Moon

We chant
and call
We Are We Are
Under The Dark Moon

We honor our Dark Mother
The Crone oh so Wise
We Are We Are
Under the dark skies
Under the Dark Moon

About The Author: GrannyMoon is Founder, Mother High Priestess of Sisters of the Burning Branch, dedicated to the Feminine Divine. Former staff member and student of the Esoteric Theological Seminary, LDS Seminary and is an ordained Metaphysical Interfaith minister with doctoral degrees in Theology and Divinity. Doula, Reiki Master and Lifetime Member of Herbal Healer Academy, Inc. Feel free to contact her:  Website:

Honoring Ancestors
By Arteal
Swirling and twirling
On the pavement
Dancing and prancing
On the ground
Could it be
What did I see
Was it leaves
Or faeries
Tricking me

Many of my loved ones have passed over the years. Some of the dearest people to me found it time to cross over and process what it is they learned in this life. I think of them often. Memories of them often bring a smile to my face. Any time of year I can see them or feel them, but it is the month of October that their presence is strongest.

This time of the thinning veil almost makes them so solid I can touch them. So it is this time that I honor them. Sometimes it is solitary and other times I invited close friends and family to be with me and we collectively honor all of our ancestors.

We begin the evening by creating an altar with symbols, pictures and mementos of our ancestors. The altar is usually kept simple with photos and small items connected to those that have gone before. Once the altar is complete we have our feast. The meal takes place in complete silence and there is always one seat kept empty with a full plate to honor our ancestors. Often a cat finds his way to the empty chair while we eat our meal in silence.

Once our meal is complete we retire to our ritual space, usually the living room. We clear the coffee table and begin clockwise. Each person takes a turn to light a tea light and share a story of an ancestor. We continue going around the circle telling stories until the table top is full. We then sit quietly watching the flames and remembering. The evening is ended with placing the full plate of food outside in our of our ancestors.

The people and spirits I share this night with seem to leave as quietly as they came. I wish you and all your ancestors a blessed Samhain.

About The Author: Arteal is an Ordained Minister and High Priestess of The Order of the White Moon. She is founder of Moonlit River, where you will find the Feminine Divine, healing and guidance. Arteal is a Shamanic Practitioner and Reiki Master. 
E-mail: - website:

Living a Magickal Life
By Lotus Moonwise

It might seem strange to tell a story about Beltane in an issue about Samhain, but the two go hand in hand. Beltane is about manifesting the Goddess externally, through union with others and the World around us. Samhain is about manifesting Her internally, by going within, connecting with the deepest parts of yourself, and allowing Her messages to come to you
from across the thin veil.

Last Beltane, I was just coming down from an intense “expansion” phase, working hard, making major changes in my life and was feeling uncentered, caught up in a frantic, unnatural pace. I felt like I was going around and around in circles in my mind, feeling so overwhelmed with all I had to get done that I couldn’t get anything done and was beginning to feel more and
more paralyzed and disconnected from my Spirit. I wondered how I was going to find the energy to organize a big Beltane celebration, like I do every year. The more I thought about it, the more I felt sure, I just didn’t have it in me this year. So I threw my hands up in surrender and made the decision to “skip” the Sabbat.

On the Thursday afternoon before the weekend of Beltane, my husband came home and told me he’d gotten a surprise bonus at work. That same day, my friend called and said she was in a jam and needed some money and offered to watch my three kids for the weekend in exchange for the cash she needed. Everything was suddenly in place for a quiet weekend away.

I wanted something in the mountains, near a river. I found this place that looked perfect and I called up the reservation company. It was booked, but they had just had someone call earlier that day to cancel, so had an opening for another house. It was in the mountains, down a dead end dirt road, at the point where two rivers meet. They call it Two Rivers Cottage. We booked it on the spot. What followed was two days and nights of intense, deep quiet, cradled by the one I love with the forest surrounding us like a blanket. We made love by the huge stone hearth, cooked a feast for two, and enjoyed the fullness of silence, together.

As I sat near the hearth, with my tarot cards laid out, Hecate kept coming up – showing me the crossroads. And it hit me when I looked at the image. The two roads… the two rivers….they were just outside my door. I put on my coat and walked outside. I stood at the point where the two rivers converge into one, and heard the message She whispered in my ear : it doesn’t matter which path you choose, it’s all leading you home. I heard the words of a song flow through my heart…”there’s no need for turning back, for all roads lead to where we stand, and I believe we walk them all, no matter what we may have planned.” I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I could relax. I didn’t have to figure everything out right now. It was enough to just be here, in this space with Her, loving myself and loving the moment.

The weekend was magickal. And even though I hadn’t planned anything for this holy day –the Goddess had planned something for me. A weekend of pure, loving union between the God and Goddess, embodied within us and expressed through us in the most natural and effortless way possible.

As Samhain approaches, I reflect on the magick in my life, the gifts from the Goddess, and the sense of trust and allowing that has become the cornerstone of my faith. This time of year, especially, I am reminded how to live a magickal life, day in and day out. Living a magickal life is about allowing the Universe to express itself through you. As you pay attention to the subtle clues She leaves along the way, a path of possibilities is paved. Every question is answered before it’s asked. In the moment of need, all things are already there, in your life, placed there by your Goddess self before you even knew you needed them.

Blessed Samhain to all…….

(Song lyrics by Don McLean)

About The Author: Lotus Moonwise is a High Priestess and leader of a small family circle. She walks a wise woman path, recognizing the union of the spiritual world with the physical. She considers herself an eclectic hearth witch, honoring her home, family and circle of community as the central focus of her service to the Goddess. She is a massage therapist, Reiki
master, writer, and artist and lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband, three children and three cats.

The Charge of the Goddess for Children
By Anja

Listen to the Great Goddess!

Once a month when the moon is full, you and your family should get together
to worship and learn.

Dance, sing, and make music. Laugh and play. Eat and drink yummy things. I
want you to be happy. I am the love and happiness you feel. It makes me
happy to see you being happy, and I want you to pass that love and happiness
on to everyone.

You are just like the flowers that are born in spring, flower in summer, die
in the fall and stay as seeds until spring comes again. When your winter
comes you will Cross the Bridge and come to me. You will stay with those you
love who crossed before you until you are ready to be born again in the
springtime. Someday your body will become a seed, but YOU live forever.

I will always love you and give you what you need. You do not need to give
me back anything. There is plenty here for all.

Listen to the Star Goddess!
Children's Version by Anja

I am the green earth. I am the white moon and warm sun. I am the stars and
the winds and the mountains and the great ocean. I am even the little bugs
in the grass. I *am* the grass! I am beautiful so that you can learn to see
beauty in everything.

You don’t have to look for me. I am here. I am the people you love and your
pets and your toys and you are Me for them. I am you and you are me and all
of us together are called Love.

Remember this: beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility,
mirth and reverence live inside you, even when you feel small and weak.

Ask me for help when you need it. I am always here for you. I am Love.

So speaks the Goddess.

About The Author: Anja, Student of the Sisters of the Burning Branch. Visit her website:


Witch Works: Spells and Rituals for Every Season
By Kelly

Samhain 2005

Happy Halloween! Is it Bedtime Yet?

After a long night of tricks and treats, many a witch will want to settle down for a long winter’s nap. Why
not work a little dream magick while you’re at it?Homemade dream pillows or sachets make very effective,
and very smelly (in a good way!), forms of magick. See what messages you receive when you try this dream
pillow spell for yourself, on Samhain or any night!

Dream Pillow/Sachet Spell for Dream Work


Equal parts of the following herbs (amount will very depending on whether or not you are making pillows or
sachets, and the size of either):

Rose Petals

Felt/Fabric – Black and orange for Samhain, or any color you like.
Thread/Ribbon – The color of your choice
Essential Oil – Use one of the scents listed above. I recommend Chamomile, Lavender, or Eucalyptus.

Decide ahead of time if you will be making sachets or dream pillows. The pillows require more work and
materials, so choose wisely. If you are making dream pillows, you will want to pre-cut the material and
stitch the sides closed before casting a circle. Pre-cut your sachet material, but no pre-assembly is
required for the sachets.

Combine all of the herbs together in a large ritual bowl and then cast a circle in your normal manner.
Call on any deities/elements/guardians you feel comfortable with. Bless the herbs and empower them
with your intent. Raise energy, if you like, and run your hands lightly through the herb mixture to further
empower the herbs.

Portion out the sachets on the pre-cut squares or fill the pre-sewn dream pillows.  Before closing the
sachet/pillow, place 1 drop of essential oil on the herb mixture. For sachets, draw up the sides of the
cloth and tie with a ribbon, or stitch closed if making the pillow.

Empower the finished sachets/pillow. Finish any magickal business you have and then close the circle.
Sleep on your new dream pillow or pin a sachet to your bedclothes. Keep a journal next to your bed to record
your dreams upon waking.

Have a blessed Samhain!

About The Author: Kelly, is a solitary practitioner from the Midwest. She is currently a student at The White Moon School, studying to become a High Priestess. Kelly has been a practicing witch for 4 years and performs tarot readings and long distance energy work via the Internet. To contact the author, please email

Samhain Solitary Ritual
By Eden

Decorative Suggestions:
pumpkins, apples, masks, candles, black, red, orange,cauldron, besom

Photos of relatives or friends who have passed
White candle for each relative ( tea lights )
36 inches of yarn ( continuous piece) bright color such as red or orange
13 hazelnuts for tradition Druid method *  or candy corn for a modern twist
1 apple (traditional)** or pomegranate, either cut in half
jack o lantern
4 mini pumpkins
4 votive candles for quarters
dried leaves (enough for circle size)
two candles one black one white
long piece of yarn ( this is a separate pc from above pc.)

break off stems of mini pumpkins, hollow out big enough place for votive candles in top, cut doesn't have to be deep,
just enough to keep candles form falling, set at quarters (use care when cutting!)
Outline circle with leaves
Visualize jack o lantern as a protective ward (it's traditional use) and have lit in circle from set up through ritual
Decorate according to taste
Have black and white candles on altar have black candle lit on altar, do not have white candle lit
Have photos with unlit candle in front of each, on altar if there is room or in other designated space


(Cleanse, Cast, Invoke)

" Blessed be the season of Samhain!
The time of the wise Crone!
The time of the last fall harvest
The time of the birth of winter
Night that we remember our loved ones who have passed from this life.
Night when we look on to the new year.
Night that reminds us that death holds the seeds of new life!"

(Prepare to light candles for departed)

" My dear loved ones, tonight as the wheel turns the veil which separates us is thin.  On this night hear my words of love and honor"

(Light candles in front of photos one at a time, while lighting candle speak name of loved one and say what
you wish in honor or love, do this for each)

(Prepare to welcome the new year)

(Focus on black candle, while making banishing pentagram  towards black candle)

" Farewell old year, take with you the season of summer"

(put out flame of black candle)

(Focus on unlit white candle, while making invoking pentagram)

"Welcome new year, bring with you the season of winter"

(light white candle)

"The wheel has turned yet again.  Now at the time of ending that is yet also the time of beginning.
What is to come is, what was will come again, circling on and on throughout the ages."

(prepare for meditation)

" And what of the past"

(close eyes with the intent to remember aspects of a past life, look at things in this life that you
believe could be related to a past life, focus on these things, see if this focus turns into scenes or
feelings about a past life)

( Prepare for resolutions)

" And what of the year to come"

(Take fruit, hold both halves in hands and visualize the habits you would like to rid yourself of over the next year being poured into it,when done place halves back together and tie halves together with one of the pieces of yarn, put aside to bury later)**

(Prepare for divination)

(Take bright colored yarn and make a circle on ground or altar if room, hold hazelnuts or candy corns in hands,focus on question, toss them into the circle and look for patterns of answer, such as y or n or if they make a shape or initial)*

(Offering, libation, feast)

(prayer for upcoming year)

"The wheel of the year turns on and on, from season to season, age to age.  I remember and recognize that all time is here and now.  I have paused to watch the wheel turn on this blessed eve, and, I praise the Wise Crone, in this time of Her glory.  Blessed be Wise Crone."

(Close Circle)

* according to Edain McCoy in 'Sabbats' pg. 42
** traditional Wittan Samhain practice per Edain
McCoy, 'Witta' pg 170 (adapted)

About The Author:  Eden, is a recent level one graduate of the White Moon School of the Feminine Divine.  She lives in the North
Georgia mountains with her husband and three young children, where she practices eclectic paganism both as a member of a coven and as a solitary.

Seasonal Ritual for Samhain
By Morrigan

Red Taper candle
Black Candles for your ancestors (one for all or one for each ancestor)
Dark green tissue for the floor
Black turmoil,
Red Wine
Cinnamon, clove, mistletoe

Samhain Ritual Wine
Empty 1 bottle of Red Wine in a cauldron and heat it
Add ½ TS Cinnamon, 1 clove
Take the wine from the fire and wait until the wine is cold
Then add the mistletoe

Mugwort, white Sandal, Lavender, Cinnamon, thornapple, white henbane, Cedar

Decorate the altar on the floor with black tissue.

Add some yellow pumpkins, gemstones and berries (belladonna, nightshade, and kernel cherries). Add the black candles
and the red taper candle, also a statue of Hecate if available.

Make a face out of the pumpkins and place a candle in each one. Place them surrounding the circle.
Intend of this ritual is to gain (magical) power in this night for the coming year.

We first need to clear the place we are and burn sage.Cast the circle as usual calling the elements spirits for protection.

Light the clack candles and the incense. Think about all the ancestors you want to have with you during the next minutes;
that should accompany and be with you on this Samhain. Then Light the candles in the pumpkins.

They will protect you during your journey.
Now hold each others hands and sing:

Hecate, Cerridwen,
Dark mother take us in.
Hecate, Cerridwen,
Let us be reborn.

While singing, walk 9 times widdershins, and imagine you descend to the otherworld. Extinguish all
candles, and then sit/lay down and feel that you arrived.

You are safe, you are comfortable. You are now out of time, out of reality, nothing can harm you, and nothing can arrive to you. Think about all the bad /inconvenient things  from the passing year and free the discomfort, let it all pass you, let nothing from the old worries remain in you.Relax. The time stands still - you stand still.

After some time you feel light and easy.  Sit up when you are ready, talk with each other if you are not alone, relish this time between the times. Let each women tell a story about one of her ancestors - no must, just if wanted. Let the dead revive in this non-time and enjoy being with them.

Now thank the ancestors for their guide and release them if they want.

Light the red candle now which symbolizes the New Year, the new strength of the goddess that accompanies you through
 the next months. Embrace your sisters and pass on good wishes for the coming year.

Again hold each others hands, built a circle and sing again

Hecate, Cerridwen,
Dark mother take us in.
Hecate, Cerridwen,
Let us be reborn.

This time walk in the other side - 9 times. clockwise - and feel how you ascend from the otherworld, depart from this time/place consciously.

Once arrived, open the circle and thank the elements spirits that were watching over you. If you are near you house you may walk with the red light in your hand round your house and then enter the house and light the candles with the new light.

Now it is time to eat and drink.

About The Author: Morrigan is a Celtic warrioress and priestess of The Morrigan.She has been healing with her hands since childhood. She also does Tarot Readings with Aleister Crowley, Raider Waite and the Mother Peace Tarot Deck and says, "At the moment I focus on the Mother Peace Tarot because the cards are talking to me very clearly." Morrigan is also studying about plants with psychedelic action, healing plants and poisonous plants in general. She prepares recipes for various illnesses and creates her own (massage)oils and incenses and likes to design rituals. Morrigan is a proud sister of Freya's Moon and does the White Moon Studies with her whereof she became an adept recently.

The Bardic Soul
Poetry, Stories and Song For The Spirit

Samhain Song
By Dame Niamh

I am a twist of black paper
Dancing in a wind‑eddy.
Blown three times round the gatepost,
Wrapped briefly round the lamppost
Hanging by wingtip from a branch
Plié into a puddle on the pavement.
I am a shout that bells around the corner
 Ricochets diminished from the bushes,
Whistles down a chimney,
 Chuckles in the porch‑eaves,
Murmurs blending into the wind.
I am a shape‑changing shadow.
I whisk along behind a loping cat,
 I solidify in corners, melt in streetlights,
Flit across the round‑faced moon,
Fingering the rime round the moon,
Whispering a rhyme round the moon.
I am a figment of the night's imagination,
A clown‑face suspended in midair
To exorcise your ghosts,
To animate your porch scarecrow,
To make you jack‑o'‑lantern laugh,
And howl off hooting into the tunnel of night.
By Dame Niamh

How beautiful, that the oval locust leaves
Should still be green, and not all yet be gold;
The golden distillation of that sun that fires up,
almost clattering, to the stray winds
That hold the clouds aside, as a curtain.
How beautiful, the sway and flutter of all that green, all that gold, mutable,
perpetual, cycle and return.
The locust's fruit is light.  I harvest light and stand,

            agape, my heart torn out of me
            and trembling
            and fluttering, with the tree, leaf and fruit,
            in this rich autumn.
About The Author: Dame Niamh, Priestess, Sisters of the Burning Branch. I've been writing poetry since I was ten years old.  Sometimes I feel, not like a camera, but like a videocam - sounds and sights, feelings, smells and tastes arrange themselves into poetry.  Maybe I was a Bard in an earlier life - I also like to sing!

Persephone's Promise
by Melodie Bolt
Alone, a mother grieves in a home that rang
with the melodious laughter of her daughter.
From a flowering meadow, a thief stole her child
and keeps her hidden from Apollo's brilliance.
She clenches the coverings on her daughter's
bed and lowers her head.  The smell of lavender
and honeysuckle fill her nose.  The mother's weeping
cannot penetrate the world below.  Outside
the trees keenly feel the mother's loss.
They rage in shades of apple, sunflower and tiger lily.
Oh Persephone!

She envisions her daughter standing proudly,
keeping aloof, but the brigand's heart burns for her
and he yearns to loosen auburn hair.  He reaches
out and silky locks tumble down, while tears fill
bark brown eyes.  Though she thrashes, he easily
overpowers her and holds her forcefully.
Spattering rain hammers the trees naked,
pummeling leaves to the ground.  Tenuous
branches appeal skyward as thunder crashes.
Oh, Persephone!

The milk of life, dripping down her legs, baptizes
her child as a wife.  How could this have happened?
Rage smolders to woe, extinguished by reproachful
guilt that lays heavily, like thick drifts of snow.
The trees in shards of tanzanite stand petrified
in the silent whiteness, the stillness of life more
terrifying than Death.  Yet, the faintest hint of
lavender creeps into her mind as a figure approaches.
She turns to see.  Can it be?
Oh, Persephone!

Searching her daughter's face, she finds no sadness, only
joy and contentment.  Could the rape have been a tryst?
Her daughter's smile shatter's depression's grip.  Cloaked
in royal amethyst, the delicate crocus rises from winter's
snowy crypt.  The snow melts and glorious tulips
and daffodils sing to the wind.  The trees exalt with a shade
of newly born green.  Her child, now a Queen, plants hope.
Goddess willing, abundant spring may bring a baby!
Oh, Persephone!

We Meet Again
by Melodie Bolt

I slip through the shadows
where mortals can't see
that I come running,
come running to thee.
Oh, how I've missed you,
your smell in my nose.
Arching my back
and stretching my toes,
I enter your circle -
strong, healthy, not frail.
And purr for you, purr for you,
when you part the veil.

Golden Future
by Melodie Bolt

Children matter
Elder ones too
Clean fresh water
And enough food
Conserve resources
Weapons extinct
Spiral dance whirl
Sisters' hands link
Voices in praise
We build a place
Golden Age days
Goddess embrace.

About The Author: Melodie Bolt is a writer and poet of dark fantasy.  Her work has appeared in Kiss Machine and Pan Gaia.  She is an active member of the Flint Area Writers critique group and she also participates in Broad Universe, a group that promotes and celebrates women writers of science fiction, fantasy and horror.  She earned a B.A. in Russian Language and Literature and Secondary Education, with a minor in Spanish, from Goucher College in Baltimore.  She lives in rural mid-Michigan with her husband, five children and three cats.  She is currently in level one of the Goddess School, Sisters of the Burning Branch.You can reach her at

The Broom Closet
By Ezevia Rose

My friends have brooms
I have one too
They sweep with theirs
I do too

My friends have knives
I have one too
They use it to cut
I do too

My friends have goblets
I have one too
They drink their wine
I do too

My friends have tables
I have one too
They gather round
As I do too

Now they wonder what makes me different?
If they only knew!

My broom’s a besom
My knife an athame
My goblet a chalice
My table an altar

I use them for ritual
I use them each day
I pray to Goddess
Every day

Now you know I am a Witch
They do not
Can they accept it?
Sometimes I fear not

I wish they would
Let me sweep my own way
And say prayers the Matriarch way
The Earth could be happy
And we could be too
This Samhain Night
I pray for them too

By Ezevia Rose
October 2005

About the Author: Ezevia Rose, 51 is a wife of 28 years, mother of a son 24 and daughter 26 and a grandmother of a 7 1/2 year old, who she says is the spark of her life as are her children. She is also a teacher of young children and owns her own school,(23 years in business and growing) which, she says is not only her livelihood but her life. She is also a singer and an artist, with a B.A. degree in Elem. Ed and Art Ed., she loves animals, reading and  gardening, and says musical instruments and books are her vices. A past student of Granny Moon and has recently opened her own school,

Under the Light of the Moon
By SpiritWalker
Under the light of the waxing moon
I emerge naked from my cocoon
For all the world to see
I am completely free
Under the light of the full moon
I emerge naked from my cocoon
Standing upon mother’s ground
I am finally found
Under the light of the waxing moon
I emerge naked from my cocoon
I have no shame
For I have lost my bane
Under the light of the new moon
I emerge naked from my cocoon
Like the phoenix I rise
From the ashes of my demise
© September 2005
Return to the Wylde
by SpiritWalker
I hear the call of the Wylde
She whispers come to me my child
Come home to me
I alone will set you free
Time stands still no more
I have opened the door
Come to me my child
Return to the Wylde
© September 2005

About The Author: SpiritWalker is an Adept in Sisters of the Burning Branch (hopes to be an Ordained HP soon). She is ordained as both an Interfaith and Esoteric Minister and additionally holds Doctorates of Theology and Divinity. SpiritWalker is a "textbook" Wounded Healer archetype and is a cancer and life survivor. She currently lives in Manassas, VA and is owned by two felines.

Inside Her
By Morrigan

I am tired
And let the day
Sink in me
Drown in me
Until it’s soaked up
With my fatigue
With my stillness
In my soul
Inside me
No envy
No sands
To stand up
And pass along
But no doldrums
But not sore
For the good old times
Where the death were still alive…

About The Author: Morrigan is a Celtic Warrioress and Priestess of The Morrigan.She has been healing with her hands since childhood. She also does Tarot Readings with Aleister Crowley, Raider Waite and the Mother Peace Tarot Deck and says, "At the moment I focus on the Mother Peace Tarot because the cards are talking to me very clearly." Morrigan is also studying about plants with psychedelic action, healing plants and poisonous plants in general. She prepares recipes for various illnesses and creates her own (massage)oils and incenses and likes to design rituals. Morrigan is a proud sister of Freya's Moon and does the White Moon Studies with her whereof she became an adept recently.

Triple Moon Gathering
By Mystic Amazon

There is a triple moon out tonight,
Perfect for our gathering. 
Here are the flowing robes of white;
And scattered flowers line our path,
With maidens singing.

To the grove we will go,
Playing our instruments softly.
As we dance and sing, we know
That the Goddess is giving us
Her blessing.

Shine on us, Great Mother!
In all your guises we do honor you,
Holding hands with one another,
Now in a circle with hands held high
Toward your triple moon.

In our simple ceremonies,
We send to you the strength you give us,
And our prayerful harmonies.
Blessed Be, Sisters and Brothers,
And may your prayers be answered.

© Copyright 10/16/05
Beth Johnson (Mystic Amazon)

What Was That Incantation Again?
What was that incantation again?
I’m trying to learn, so please be patient with me.
I know, the last time I worked with the cauldron,
It filled it up with frogs by mistake, but no witch
Is perfect!  Maybe with this spell, it will work right.
You know, I tried to carve a pumpkin last night,
But when I got halfway through, it growled at me!
Can you give me some advice about that? ...
I’m lucky it didn’t bite me?  What kind of advice
Is that?
I think you are just being crabby with me because
I am Low Witch on the Totem Pole right now.  It
Wasn’t my fault that my broom handle broke, and
I fell into Lady Emeralde’s lap from 8 feet up!
I know, I know, she is High Witch and I should be
Respectful…well, try telling that to my broom!  I did
Cast an incantation to slow me down so it wouldn’t
Hurt so much, I didn’t think it would propel me
Into her lap… She really knows some bad language
When she is mad!  Wow!  And I thought she was so
Maybe next year, if I get a new broom and practice a lot,
The Witches League will let me fly in the Salem-Turnopia
Broom Formation for the Pumpkin Patch Festival.
Briar got to be in it this year, and I am trying not to be
Jealous.  Maybe once her bruises heal, Lady Emeralde will
Let me be in more entertainment for the Festival.  No, Amber,
I won’t hold my breath…
Okay, I’ll focus.   BiminishriminyabracaPOOF!  Oh, look!
What cute pink lizards, and such big ones, too!  Amber?
Amber, where did you go?  I guess I got the incantation wrong
Again.  Damn, I’m running out of teachers!
Oh, well, I guess I’ll have to do something else to pass the time.
There you are, Briar... look at the cute pink lizards, they are as
Big as my cat!  May I please borrow your broom for a while to
Practice my formations?  Briar?  Briar?  Now where did she go!
Was it something I said?
© Copyright 10/16/05 
Beth Johnson (Mystic Amazon)
A  Halloween In Salem-Turnopia
By Mystic Amazon

My husband and I walked along our street looking at decorations,
As children ran door to door laughing and screaming playfully.
We were having a great time, holding hands in the brisk air;
Until we noticed that children were going into to one house,
And not coming back out with their treats!

Our little town of Salem-Turnopia is usually a safe place,
So we couldn't figure out what was going on.
Maybe a trick or treat party that we hadn't heard of?
We hoped the cute little munchkins weren't being munched on!
We crept a little closer to the house and peeked in at
A window.

The children were all standing in a line, with blank eyes
And no trick or treat sacks with candy in them!  Yikes!
Something was very very wrong.  Arthur and I looked
Around for a policeman, and had to run up two blocks
To find one.  He was turned in the opposite direction,

And when I tapped him on the back, he turned around...
He was a green ogre in a policeman's costume!
I screamed and screamed, and policeman Murphy poured
His lukewarm coffee over me to get me back to my senses.
Then Arthur shook me a little, and I realized that he was not

Really an ogre, he had on a Halloween mask on, to fit in.
That was a real relief, but unusual in a policeman, I thought.
He followed us to the house, and a beautiful woman
In a long lowcut robe answered the door; immediately
Arthur's tongue started to hang out and I had to pinch

Him hard on the butt to get HIM back to his senses.
Behind the woman was this hunky guy dressed in a vampire
Outfit.  They let us in with policeman Murphy.  They said
That they were having a Halloween party for the neighborhood
Children, but everyone looked like little blank tiny robots

In Halloween costumes.  She offered us some Halloween
Punch, and not wanting to be rude, we took some.  When
We did, suddenly we couldn't move or speak!  The lady
Gave the kids back their trick or treat sacks (empty) and
Told them to go climb into windows and bring her back

Jewelry and money.  The man was so hunky that I kinda
Hoped he would bite me, maybe not even on my neck....
But with Arthur there, it kinda put the kebosh on that.
Oh, well.  While we were standing there like statues,
The Creepy Couple packed up everything in their house

And loaded their van up with their few possessions.
Then, as the kids brought in various jewelry and money,
They piled them in the van, too.  Once the last child
had come in, they snapped their fingers in front of their
Eyes, gave them their sacks, and told them to go get

Their Halloween candy.  Then the kids went out laughing
And skipping, and remembering nothing.  Mrs. D Cup
Dracula, as I thought of her, snapped her fingers in front
Of the policeman's eyes and told him to go get some
Hot coffee and doughnuts and forget all about everything.

So there we were.  A beautiful Halloween night and we
Were paralyzed in a house with a Dracula couple.
They told us we had to go with them as hostages, to
Their castle.  We weren't so sure that we would like that,
But they promised a big Halloween party and orgy,

Without us on the menu.  Well, that sounded better than
The usual Halloween parade the next day in Salem-
Turnopia, and it isn't like we wanted to argue with them,
Either.  So we drove for hours, and they woke us up
When we got to this really large, creepy mansion.

There was a lot loud rock music playing, and laughter.
Lots of people were there in what we sincerely hoped
Were costumes.  And we weren't on the menu, which
Was the best thing about the party.  They had lots of
Good punch with Long Island Tea in it, and strawberry
Gin, too!

They were telling the truth about the orgy, we broke out
The Wesson Oil, and then we bobbed for all sorts of things!
The next morning, we woke up in front of our house in
Quite a bit of disarray and with GoshAwful hangovers...
The neighborhood was all in a flap over burglaries,

There was an outcry about 'where were the police when
They were needed?'  But we had smiles on our faces;
We were looking forward to next Halloween!

My best friend Briar, and I were having such fun
Picking outfits to wear to the ball. We looked through
All our bustiers, glitter fingernail polish, moon and
Star earrings, Goddess pendants, tiaras, striped and
Fishnet stockings, spike heeled boots with turned-up

Toes, and different styles of pointy witch hats.
Most of us tried to match the colors of the Ball, but
Since it was just different shades of the same old
Colors, it could get really boring. Now naturally,
Drucilla had to be different. She usually wore pastels

To try and look innocent. Ha! She could give rabbits
Competition in a sex-hopping contest…well,
Actually hopping wasn’t the word I had in mind, but
It does end in “ing”…you can figure that out for yourself,
Unless you are a kinda-innocent like Lady Emeralde.

Anyway, to get back to non-pastels…I decided on a
Long black skirt with a ruffle, black glitter hose,
A pointed black hat with Triquetra symbols on the
Blue hatband, and a blue and red plaid bustier. I
Looked HOT! Briar decided to wear an orange mini,

A red bustier with spaghetti straps, and long black
Gloves. She was going to put her hat in the cloak
Room, since it made her head itch. We all were going
To wear our wands strapped to our thongs (don’t
Worry, we were magicking them small), just in case

Drucilla decided to cause trouble, her favorite thing
To do besides bed-hopping (or the other word). Meow.
Strange things have been known to happen at a ball
After the spiked brew punch gets flowing and tempers
Get hot. If anything else gets hot, there is always a

Closet handy. Briar and I were hoping there would
Be some cute male witches this time. No warlocks
Had been invited (bad male witches), but there again,
Drucilla was coming and they were her favorite

Finally, the night of the party arrived. There was
A special broom closet set up with racks and names
On them, so everyone would be able to find the
Right broom to fly back home on, even if they were
A tad inebriated.

The local dignitaries arrived, looking a bit
Apprehensive. They were impressed with the
Decorations, though. It was very bright and festive.
We were a very sophisticated Witches League,
And Old Hats at fixing up for the Ball, if you’ll forgive

My pun…heeheeheehee! (Cackle, cackle)?
Now everyone had sworn on their fancy shoe
Buckles that they would NOT spike the punch, but…
Somehow, it magickally wound up with the famous
Witches Brew Punch Mix in the bowl.

Witches Brew Punch Mix Recipe:
Purple Passion instant daiquiri mix, 2 bottles of Gin,
2 bottles of Champagne (pink), 2 bottles of rum,
2 bottles of bourbon, instant margarita mix, 5 six-
Packs of wine coolers (buyer’s choice), 5 gallons of
Mixed fruit juice, … sprinkled with cinnamon, mixed
With marshmallows and optional chocolate chips.

We had a huge punch bowl that we mixed it up in
Every year, and then ladled it into the smaller punch
Bowls. We let it set in the fridge for extra “punch”!
However, this year, it was supposed to be fruit juices
And drink mixes, but without real booze and only

The sparkling fruit cider that tasted just a little
Like alcohol. Fantasta and Cinnabar were the ones
That were in charge of making sure there was no
Spiked punch at the party. Also there was a No
Wands Inside rule, which most of us ignored.

We had a very good rock band, The Magical
Metal Slammers, very loud but great for dancing!
We had a second band, Witchin’ Disco, as well.
They took turns, so the dancing kept on all night.
We used colored strobe lights, a mirror ball, and

A fog machine for atmosphere just around our feet.
We also had black lights and a bubble machine in
Case we wanted to use them later. All kinds of
hors d’oeuvres were served, shaped like eyeballs,
Octopi, ogres, kidneys, bats, ghosts, and ghouls.

Briar and I were having a wonderful time flirting
With some very cute guy witches, Tim and Java.
The food was delicious, the drink was…uhhh,
It was…SPIKED!  I started looking around for
Fantasta and Cinnabar to give them a piece of

My mind for not minding the punch bowl, when
I got shoved, and fell right over Lady Asta, who
Was sitting in the middle of the floor by her table
Giggling.  Oh, my Goddess!  She was going to be
So embarrassed in the morning…but I almost forgot;

One of the good things about the Witches Brew
Punch is that you usually cant remember a damn
Thing the next day, (thank Goddess) and even if
you could, your head hurts too much to make sense
Of it; and you never can find your underwear,
Anyway (which is usually a blessing, considering).

The mayor and the PTA chairlady were smooching
In between feeding each other chocolate eyeball
Cookies, and the other dignitaries were either
Dancing or throwing up discreetly in the corners.
Yep, there was more than one throwing up in a
Corner, for sure.  Damn.   Eeewwww.

Everyone was having fun dancing, laughing,
Making out, throwing up, eating, or doing
Something entertaining.  Briar and I found out
That Tim and Java were twins, and we decided
To find a spare broom/cloak room to make out in
With them, since we had never hooked up with twins

Before.  Besides, the Witches Ball was never any
Fun unless you had to do a scavenger hunt to find
Your underwear the next day, and were totally
Humiliated when you did find it!  When you go
To the Ball, it helps to have a sense of humor.

We were all four having fun doing a little clutching
And groping, until we heard some loud shrieks
Coming from the ballroom!  I ran as fast as my
Boots would take me, into the banquet room.
What a sight!  It looked like a combination

Food fight, orgy, hurling contest, and Conga Line!
Not to mention people in various stages of undress,
And (oh, horrors) with their wands out in attack mode.
We must have been in the closet longer than we
Thought, for all that to happen.  We were kinda
Distracted, too.

Not only was the punch spiked, but it must have
Been even stronger than usual.  The witches that
Were attacking each other with their magic wands
Were shooting out colored magics, which were
Lighting up the room so we could see the full
Extent of the mess.

The flying spells and curses that they were sending
At each other, were bouncing off of the walls
And landing all over the place!  I couldn't decide
If there were too many magickal people at the party,
Or too many civilians.

Some of the spells were turning the civilians into
Pink rabbits and were-bears and frogs, with party
Hats on and the hiccups.  People were throwing
Their undies at the mirror ball to see who could
Get their unmentionables to stick there.

The mayor and the PTA chairlady had climbed
Under their table, and all we could see was feet
Sticking out.  Oh, dear.  Meanwhile, the Conga
Line was dancing around the edge of the room
So they didn't get in the middle of the magic

Battles, and punch, party hats, underwear, and
Confetti were everywhere.  Why we didn't save
Ourselves the trouble and leave off undies the
Night of the Ball, Ill never know.  Sheesh.

Do you remember my mentioning that some of
The decorations were held on by magic instead
Of glue or tape?  With all the magic flying
Around the room, the decorations started falling
Down, right on top of all the partiers.

The bands didn't stop playing through all of this,
And lucky for them, none of them got turned
Into anything.  I saw something out of the corner
Of  my eye.  It was Drucilla!  She was laughing
Hysterically.  I knew it!  She was the punch

I grabbed my wand out of my thong and magicked
It large, and started after her with mayhem
In mind.  She saw me coming and ran like hell
Into the broom closet.  When she did, a bunch
Of naked couples ran out of it, screaming (Most
Witches have sense enough to be scared of Drucilla).

Just as I took a giant leap like a WWF wrestler
To pounce on her, I heard a shrill whistle, and
Saw policeman Murphy heading toward me with
A grim look in his eyes and a pair of handcuffs.
This was my cue to save the ass-kicking of
Drucilla, for later.

The police toted off all of us that they could round
Up, into the paddy wagon and off to jail.  Most
Undignified.  Once Lady Emeralde sobered up, she
Went around with her wand turning the dignitaries
Back into themselves.

The Conga Line ran out screaming into the streets,
And most of them got home, hopefully to theirs…
The mayor and the PTA chairman were under their
Table, totally passed out but with blissful smiles.
Our banquet room was so trashed, if it wasn't
For magick, we would still be cleaning it up!

Briar and I started dating the twins, we felt very
Comfortable with them, since after all we had
Gotten to know them closely already, in the broom
Closet.  It was such a memorable evening, that
Most of us remembered at least some of it, even

With having had the Witches Brew Punch that
Drucilla exchanged for the mild drinks.  However,
People in town, civilian and witchie, are still
Finding underwear everywhere, even on the head
Of the confederate generals statue in the park.

All in all, the Annual Witches Ball this year was
The most magickal, fun, rocking Ball we have had
In the past four hundred years!  We will have to
Remember to invite some non-magickal civilians
Again next year too, they make such cute fluffy
Little animals!  Wohooo!

© Copyright 10/11/05
Beth Johnson (Mystic Amazon)

About the Author: Born August 10, 1944, Mystic is the oldest of four children. Her father was a minister (from a long line of Methodist ministers) and her mother taught piano and French. Mystic was born while her father was a chaplain in the Navy, serving on a ship with General MacArthur in the Philippines. His father had been a chaplain in the Army in WWI. Mystic was married for 25 years to a marine and has two children, Kristin and Erik, both married but no grandchildren yet. She is divorced and lives in Saltillo, Mississippi. She is a folk artist and sometimes teach that and fabric painting with dyes. She also teaches Reiki and sometimes basic Tarot. She loves to read, dance barefooted, write poems and spells, do candle magick, make candles, and date her boyfriend Frank.

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