Order of the White Moon, an eclectic international order of women dedicated to the Goddess

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Texts for White Moon Studies

Level I Required Books

365 Goddess 365 Goddess : A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the Goddess
by Patricia Telesco

The Once and Future Goddess : A Symbol for Our Times
by Elinor W. Gadon, editor

Casting the Circle Casting the Circle : A Women's Book of Ritual
by Diane Stein

Level II Required Books

Grandmother Moon Grandmother Moon : Lunar Magic in Our Lives : Spells, Rituals, Goddesses, Legends, and Emotions Under the Moon
by Z Budapest

Motherpeace : A Way to the Goddess Through Myth, Art, and Tarot
by Vicki Noble Motherpeace Tarot Cards

Motherpeace Tarot Deck (Cards)
by Vicki Noble & Karen Vogel

PLEASE NOTE: These are the small cards that fit easily in your hand. Some prefer the larger deck to better view the images. You can order the larger deck directly from the manufacturer by sending $25 to P.O. Box 5544, Berkeley, CA. 94705

Level III Required Books

Shakti Woman : Feeling Our Fire, Healing Our World :
The New Female Shamanism
by Vicki Noble

And choose TWO or THREE of the following Elective Texts for Level III:

The Goddess Celebrates : An Anthology of Women's Rituals
by Diane Stein

Healing With Gemstones and Crystals
by Diane Stein

American Folk Magick : Charms, Spells & Herbals
by Silver Ravenwolf

Candle Magick : A Guide for the Novice
by J.E. Auer

The Dream Book : Symbols for Self-Understanding
by Betty Bethards

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
by Scott Cunningham

Tarot Spells
by Janina Renee