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Weekly Tarot Zodiac
January 13th through January 19th, 2025
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This reading was done by Lynda Kostini, Level III in Dark Moon's Heart School using the Morgan‐Greer deck by Lloyd Morgan and Bill F. Greer
Wild Card of the Week: Influences All Signs
Six of Cups
This tarot card shows two children, each holding a chalice filled with flowers, with four other chalices holding flowers and greenery standing on a wall near them. The children seem to be peacefully engaged with each other. Interpretations of this card include finding yourself experiencing child‐like delight; flowering in a relationship; experiencing the blossoming of plantings you have done; re‐connecting with childhood friends; recognizing the gifts that came to you as you grew up. As a Wild Card for us this week, the Six of Cups calls us to open to the child‐like pleasures we can find in simple things like a friend's smile, a sunny day, a beautiful plant, a warm memory.
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands shows eight wands in flight, all aligned, heading toward some target. This card indicates energetic motion, haste, speed, movement, and excitement. For you Aries, as the Cardinal Fire sign, this card (which also in tarot indicates Fire) means that ideas, projects, or programs that you are starting or engaged in will really take off. This card also might indicate that you will be smitten with energetic new ideas and possibilities. This will be a great week for you Aries ‐ seize it and enjoy!
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Two of Pentacles
This card shows a figure with a pentacle in each hand, banded inside of what appears to be an infinity sign. The traditional interpretation of this card is one of juggling, finding balance, especially with worldly material things. In the Tarot the suit of Pentacles is ruled by Earth, and since you, Taurus, are a Fixed Earth sign, this card might be alerting you that this week you need to pay extra attention to managing your money, or to your household, or your health so that you are in better balance.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Queen of Swords
This card shows a strong woman, with a cloak festooned with red roses, with her steely sword held upright. In Tarot, the Swords are ruled by the element Air, and the element Air embodied in a person indicates intellect, sharp language, and quick wit. You, Gemini, are the Mutable Air sign, so the Queen of Swords should be a strong support for you this week. The Queen of Swords coming into your life this week may indicate a mature woman who can serve as a mentor, advocate, guide for you as you deal with a gnarly problem. Or, you may meet the Queen of Swords for a delightful conversation in which you engage each other with friendly "fencing" of ideas!
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Seven of Swords
This card's image shows an unshaven man carrying five swords on his shoulder, leaving two other swords stuck upright into the sand of the beach. A traditional interpretation is that this card suggests some sneaky behavior going on around you. Since swords are associated with the element Air, with thoughts, with sharpness, with language, with ideas ‐ an interpretation for you, Cancer, might be this week to pay particular attention to language that is being used around you. Be sharp, because there can be some sneaky deception going on. And, if it means you need to hold some of your ideas (or potential sharp words) closely under your cloak, do so.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Ten of Pentacles
What an enriching and enjoyable card for you Leo! In the Tarot, Pentacles have to do with the element of Earth ‐ ruling material goods, money, health, home, and family. Getting this card of abundance shows a peaceful and joyous scene of house, friends, and family ‐ so this reading interpretation for you, Leo, is to note the good things and times that are part of your life this week. Acknowledge, enjoy, and express gratitude for the abundant goodness in your life.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Ace of Pentacles
The beautiful Ace of Pentacles is for you this week, Virgo. In the Tarot, you can read the Aces as offering a Gift. So, for you this week, a gift of an opportunity having to do with the Earthiness of Materiality. Pentacles have to do with all things material ‐ your physical body, your home, landholding, money, and health. Since you, Virgo, are a Mutable Earth sign, known for your ability to adapt, I am sure you will be keenly aware of any opportunity for material gain, home life prosperity, wealth, or health improvement this week. It is up to you to take this opportunity and manifest it in the way that is best for your life.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
The Star
This is such a beautiful and encouraging Major Arcana card. Under a night sky, filled with bright stars, a large, brilliant, gorgeous eight‐pointed star shines upon a kneeling woman. She kneels on the ground, with one foot in a pool. She holds a container in each hand, and is pouring one into the pool, one upon the earth. Traditionally, The Star is interpreted as indicating a time of peace, happiness, balance, and tranquility. Such pouring of water looks like pouring libations, pouring out offerings. This card indicates a connection with Divine through the elements of water and earth. Interpretations include being blessed, reconnecting with Goddess, and happiness. For you, Libra, this card indicates you are likely to find inspiration this week, perhaps when you are actually pouring out a libation, or doing something more mundane like taking a shower or pouring out some water for cooking. Pay attention to moments in which you feel a sense of connection and delight ‐ you may be receiving a blessing from the Goddess!
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Queen of Rods
This tarot card shows the Queen dressed all in yellow and orange, holding her Rod of Authority upright in her right hand, and a fully bloomed sunflower in her left hand. This Royal card shows the Queen and her energy of Fire. For you Scorpio, this card this week brings you an extra dose of energy, creativity, warm connection, and drive to get things done. Enjoy those energetic gifts of the Queen this week! However, I need to warn you that Mars is retrograde this week, and you, Scorpio, may especially experience frustration on January 15th. If you do, visualize yourself as the Queen who knows that eventually your strength will carry you through frustrating times.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
King of Swords
This Royal represents the epitome of Air ‐ strong intellect, sharp language, keen insight. Often the King of Swords appears as a valiant defender in a legal matter, or a teacher in a situation where strong advocacy is needed. Since the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius is sometimes known as being the creative "Free Spirit" in the zodiac; lessons from the King of Swords can help you explore dilemmas more intellectually. For you, this card calls for you to work on sharpening your language and arguments, especially if you find yourself in a situation where you feel like you need to be defending an idea or action.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Seven of Cups
The image on this card is of seven cups floating in clouds, with each cup containing a different symbol: jewels, a castle, shooting stars, a snake, a mask, a laurel wreath, a dragon. This card seems to indicate a variety of choices coming your way ‐ and offers you a warning that things may not always be what they seem. So jewels may indicate wealth ‐ they can also indicate fakery. You, Capricorn, are a Cardinal Earth sign, well known for your practicality and industriousness. So the Seven of Cups card urges you to draw on your inherent discernment to explore the dreams that seem to be arising around you, and to choose a direction that is best for you.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
This Major Arcana card features a winged figure dressed in white, with one foot on land and the other foot in a pool of water. The figure is pouring water from one chalice into another. On the figure's chest is the alchemical symbol for fire. So in this card all the elements are represented ‐ wings for air, foot on earth, foot in water, and the delta symbol for fire. Temperance is traditionally interpreted as meaning a state of balance and equanimity. The word temperance is one of those rare ones that combines both Latin and Anglo‐Saxon roots ‐ meaning moderation, restraint. As such, Temperance represents awareness of changing internal emotions and self‐control. To temper also means to make stronger, to change form, using pressure and temperature change. So this card directs you, Aquarius, this week, to bring tempering (self‐control) to situations where there might be greater pressure. For you, Aquarius, the Fixed Air sign, having this Temperance card for this week indicates an ability to deal with many items without becoming unbalanced.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Ace of Cups
This is a beautiful card, with a Cup lifted from a cloud, with a white dove hovering behind it, and a glowing font of water spilling out of the Cup. A pink lotus below the Cup reflects the glow. In the Tarot, Cups are associated with the element Water, indicating aspects of cleansing, healing, dreams, the psyche, spirituality. Since Aces always mean a Gift, this is a wonderful card for you this week, Pisces, since you are the Mutable Water sign, always open to being flexible. Look for some Gift of the Spirit to come your way ‐ perhaps some healing of a body or spiritual ailment; or a spiritual insight from a dream, or a reading in a book, or from a conversation. The blooming lotus also indicates purity, resilience, and strength that come from the depths of your own self.