Weekly Tarot Zodiac
February 3rd through February 9th, 2025
See past readings
This reading was done by HP Ajna DreamsAwake using the Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan and John Matthews, illustrated by Will Worthington.
Wild Card of the Week: Influences All Signs
The Wheel
Wheels in motion, forever spinning, a gentle reminder to us all that Nature's cycles are eternal, as are our own. Take heart in this knowledge, that all is cyclical, ever‐revolving, ever‐evolving. And it is this that keeps us moving forward. If a decision you made did not pan out as you hoped, fear not. The Wheel turns, and eventually all will be back in balance… for you to try again.
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Three of Bows ~ Fulfillment (Reversed)
It is time to take stock, have you been too busy to set time and energy aside in order to pursue your passions? Do you want to aim towards a new target, or do you wish to renew your commitment to your current goal? Only you can determine whether you have the desire to keep at it, or the desire to try new pursuits.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
The Shaman
Your soul reverberates to the silent whispers of an unseen world. You are called upon now to act. Work with the tools at your disposal to create a new reality for yourself.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Seven of Vessels ~ Mourning
To grieve a loss is the first step in the process of recovery. There is no shame in shedding tears for what once was and can never be again. Sit with the pain, allow it to flow over you. Release it through your cleansing tears. Mourn the loss and then move on.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Seven of Arrows ~ Insecurity (Reversed)
You have arrived at a place of healing. Understanding the motivations that govern our actions empowers us to take control. See your fears for what they are, and face the challenges they have wrought. Key insights into yourself will guide you.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Four of Stones ~ Protection (Reversed)
You may be feeling vulnerable and weak at the moment. Time to find for yourself a safe place to withdraw to, to rest and recover. Retreat is not defeat. You will eventually emerge, stronger and bolder. For now, though, tenderness and loving self‐care are the priority.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
King of Stones ~ Wolf
Appreciate the little things in life, for they represent a microcosm of all that is good in your world. You are surrounded by wonderful gifts, you need only open yourself up to seeing them for what they are.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Ten of Stones ~ Home
Home is so much more than a physical space. It is the sense of comfort, security, and love that permeates your being. It is the people, places, and things that bring you joy. It is said that home is where the heart is. Follow your heart and you will always find your way home.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
The Journey
You are about to undertake the greatest adventure of your life. We all must journey, it is a necessary process. Let go of extraneous baggage, bring with you only the bare essentials. Best to travel light, but the sense of loss can be tempered with the joy of release.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Ace of Stones ~ The Foundation of Life (Reversed)
You may be feeling ungrounded or untethered lately. Now is not the time for dreaming, but to birth those dreams into reality. Anchor yourself, sense your connection to the earth. Once you feel truly grounded within yourself, let the magick and manifesting flow.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Three of Stones ~ Creativity (Reversed)
Your flow of creativity has been dammed up, blocked. Remove the barriers that prevent you from unleashing your artistic expression onto the world. You are meant to create, look for the means to do so, and revel in the energies that fuel your passion.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
The Green Woman (Reversed)
With great knowledge comes greater responsibility. You have been bestowed with a deep inner wisdom. Do not waste this precious gift. To live authentically is to honour your gifts, use them, to bring joy, to bring healing, to bring love into the world.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
8 of Arrows ~ Struggle (Reversed)
Obstacles are overcome, thanks, in part, to your calm and reasonable approach. It is not always easy to face challenges head on, but in this instance, your courage and strength of conviction guide you to victory.