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Weekly Tarot Zodiac

February 10th through February 16th, 2025

See past readings

This reading was done by High Priestess, River, using the Tarot of the White Cat by Severino Baraldi.


Wild Card of the Week: Influences All Signs

The World ~ Reversed

The World, upright, indicates that one has everything one needs and is in the best spot ever! Reversed can mean that things don't feel right; you don't feel you're headed in the right direction. You may be at odds with outer things, too ‐ politics, religion, etc… This is a personal card, so it applies to you and not to these outside issues. Know that this will pass; You won't be at odds with the world forever.


Aries: March 21 - April 19

The Wheel ~ Reversed

Like the World card, you may be at odds with your situation right now. It may feel like a struggle to just get through daily life. Know that the wheel will turn, regardless. You will see brighter days in the future. Just bear with it for now. What can't be changed must be endured.


Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Six of Swords

You're on a journey; you are leaving a less‐than‐ideal situation behind and moving toward a better place. You have what you need for the journey. Getting where you need to be can feel tough, and you may feel like you won't make it. Waters may be choppy and it may take strength you don't feel you have. Hang in there. You'll make it.


Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Seven of Chalices ~ Reversed

You may not be feeling the love this week. You may see love all around you and wonder where yours has gone. Be aware of how you can manifest love whether you feel it is returned or not. You have a chance to grow emotionally this week.


Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Ace of Swords

You've been tasked to come up with a new idea in some areas of your life. You are not ready to fully manifest this yet. You're still gathering the tools and like seeds in the spring, you need to wait, knowing that when the time is right, those seeds will start peeking their heads through the soil; just as you will start on a journey with your new ideas.


Leo: July 23 - August 22

Two of Pentacles ~ Reversed

You may feel you are trying to balance your strength or financial situation and it's just not working out. When you borrow from one hand to balance the other, that other hand sinks down and the balance is still off. Perhaps you need to set both down and meditate on what needs to be done that will bring you to a better place, better versed in how to handle this imbalance.


Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Knave of Swords

You may be able to support someone, or something related to a project in its initial stages. You are there to provide input, to back that someone or something up, to generally serve as a helper. You don't need to be in charge; you just need to be available and helpful.


Libra: September 23 - October 22

Nine of Pentacles

You're on target and feeling blessed with the bounty you've been reaping from events in the past. You have everything you need this week. Bask in gratitude.


Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Ten of Pentacles

There are plenty of blessings in your life; you've got financial stability and are committed to walking through life as best you can. However, you may feel separated from others this week, watching these others. You are learning that despite having all your riches, you need more than that in your life. Dip back into relationships this week. Life is about more than bounty.


Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Five of Chalices

This week may be one of feeling lonely. Others in your life may be detached and not give you the loving attention you have grown used to. This won't last forever; this is a phase, and you will be back in the love before you know it.


Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Knight of Chalices ~ Reversed

Upright, the knight has great relationships, and their intuition is right on target. Reversed, you may be feeling introverted, unwilling to connect with others, and you may not be able to tap into the deep knowing you've been used to connecting with. Wait it out as with all things it will pass.


Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Four of Pentacles ~ Reversed

While you may be in a place where you have enough, and may want to show others your bounty, resist the urge. Step back and meditate on how you can best share your good fortune. This doesn't just apply to financial stability, but to deep relationships. Don't take anything for granted this week, and don't hoard anything. Be open to sharing.


Pisces: February 19 - March 20

The Hierophant ~ Reversed

It can be easy to float through life and feel that you don't need to engage with society or its rules and regulations. It's one thing to step back from them if you're feeling overwhelmed by them, but some of them are necessary. Step a toe back into reality and see where you need to rejoin the world and participate with it, rules and all.