Weekly Tarot Zodiac
March 3rd through March 9th, 2025
See past readings
This reading was done by Jayme, Level III Adept in Moonflower Ministry, using the MotherPeace Deck by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble.
Wild Card of the Week: Influences All Signs
Son of Wands ~ Tilted Right
Easy creativity and playful life energy dominates the space as entertainment, whimsy and amusement becomes the catalyst for forward motion. Allow the masculine push forward to direct attention towards the service of life and joy in order to gain cheerful success in the world.
Aries: March 21 - April 19
10 of Cups ~ Almost Inverse
Although the 10 of Cups represents the reciprocal connection between communication with Source and the harmony of a unified community, the near inverse position of the card indicates challenged or misaligned relationships with family or community. Focus on clear, honest communication to navigate potential pitfalls.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
2 of Swords ~ Tilted Left
As the 2 of Swords represents an attempt to gain mental clarity and balance during a shifting situation, the held‐back energy of this card indicates that it may be challenging to do so. Tread slowly while weighing choices and possibilities and trust your Inner Voice to know the way forward.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
8 of Wands ~ Tilted Right
Paired with the fast moving, life fire of Wands, the 8 of Wands represents swift, heightened expressions of life energy that inspires, motivates and encourages new opportunities and experiences. Be open to taking a risk or trying something new.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Shaman of Discs ~ Tilted Left
A signifier of the ability to transmute experience into power, the Shaman of Discs represents a soul who has learned how to use life experiences in order to be successful in any endeavor. When this energy is held‐back, deeper levels of understanding needed to process, understand and apply concepts of Dharma and cyclical return are still integrating themselves into awareness. Persistence, fortitude, and continuous reflection within the Inner Voice is needed to navigate this process and trust that clear vision will lead the way.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Ace of Wands ~ Tilted Right
When the Ace of Wands pushes right, an expansive rebirth of energy is taking place. This surge of vigor both activates and attracts with force and reveals new tools and skills as a result. Focus your attention and will‐power on actions that will bring your goals into sight.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
8 of Swords ~ Tilted Left
When the energy of the 8 of Swords is held back, a release from beliefs that limit the self is indicated, as the mental confines created by the mind is momentarily removed. What current choices or beliefs may be holding you back from success? Reflect honestly about actions, interactions and consequences in order to use challenges, mistakes and failures as opportunities for growth.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
3 of Swords ~ Tilted Left
The 3 of Swords represents the merging of mental energies through challenge and pain and often signifies necessary periods of hardship, loss and sorrow that lead towards growth. When the energy is held back, such sorrows are mitigated by the situations or surrounding factors and/or periods of grief are punctuated by unexpected joy or cheer. Allow yourself to process pain as it comes and focus on moments of mirth in order to navigate difficulty.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
7 of Cups ~ Upright
Imagination, dreams and fantasy becomes the focus when the 7 of Cups is drawn. Multitudes of choices and possibilities in the watery ocean of Cups may overwhelm the senses, so be sure to ground in reality and focus on small, tangible steps forward instead of trying to conquer everything all at once.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
7 of Swords ~ Tilted Left
When the Ego realizes what the Reality of a situation truly is, it can actively employ information towards forming a plan for success. When the 7 of Swords tilts left, the ability to process knowledge gained from detached clarity and synthesize that data into constructive plans for progress is impaired. Take measures to carefully consider options and their outcomes as you move forward.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
2 of Cups ~ Tilted Left
The Two of Cups is a unique polarity of feeling that represents partnership built on the merging of energy. The left tilt of the card indicates that the balance of joining polarities are off‐balance and in need of attention. Instead of attracting and joining, the negative power of two opposing forces repels and causes conflict. What areas of your life reflect uneven energy exchanges that can be corrected to bring balance?
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
9 of Wands ~ Tilted Right
Cycles are completed as a result of learning how to masterfully accumulate, store and synthesize energy that can be used later for improvement and growth. The 9 of Wands pushed right represents the growth stage that begins when life experiences are used to master the exchange of energy needed to heal and grow. Use the wisdom within your inner Voice to transmute observations, awareness and experience into lessons and guides for progress.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
6 of Discs ~ Tilted Left
When the 6 of Discs tilts left, healing that results from abundance and good fortune is held back. There may be a desire for physical support or assistance from others as a result of lack or hardship; Consult with your Inner Voice about the source for the lack and communicate honestly with those who may be able.