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Weekly Tarot Zodiac

March 4th through March 10th, 2024

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This reading was done by M)O(rrigan, level 3 student at the Sacred Three school, using the Motherpeace Tarot deck by Vicky Nobel and Karen Vogel.


Wild Card of the Week: Influences All Signs

XI Strength

Sometimes when we feel very strong ‐ the strength within ourselves or about something or someone ‐ we forget that strength needs responsibility. Strength should be used to help ‐ not to overrule or push those who are weaker in the direction we deem the right one. Even great physical strength is limited. You may be tempted to overdo your sports or work this week or help your friends and family, because you feel very strong. Perhaps you drive your "Mustang" with care, knowing the power you have under you ‐ without putting the pedal to the metal. 😊


Aries: March 21 - April 19

XII Hanged One

The Hanged One indicates that we should seek contact with our inner self. It usually points at a quiet time of self‐reflection, to find what we are seeking. It seems though that you are not very patient and cannot let go of your day‐to‐day duties and thoughts. You need to become free of this busyness to heal and find yourself.


Taurus: April 20 - May 20

VI Lovers

The lovers point at a decision, a choice you made or are going to make. The lovers are the perfect unity where two melt together and with all that surrounds them equally. It seems that you are not ready yet and hesitate. It would be helpful to find out what makes you feel so insecure. Look it straight in the eye and find clarity.


Gemini: May 21 - June 20

9 Swords

Sometimes we wake up from a terrible nightmare, still fearful, still under the impression of its seeming reality. Best we can do is sit up and confront the dream.


Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Daughter of Wands

This daughter is happy to move on to a new life situation and shows it ‐ with all the understandable excitement she could seem careless or even reckless to others. Such a person, or the character, is in some way significant to you this week.


Leo: July 23 - August 22

I Magician

I will… that is the Magician. She is completely one with what surrounds her, aware of all the energies running through her and able to direct them. This week's Magician is doubtful, hesitating and not aware or insecure about herself and her possibilities. Find ways to reassure yourself and get in contact with your source of power. Sometimes a bit of Yoga or meditation can just do the trick to touch your inner core and trust yourself again.


Virgo: August 23 - September 22

5 Cups

Sadness is one of the few emotional energies that we cannot direct or change. We must mourn about something we lost. Find a secure spot where you can cry and let loose all the sadness and even anger that you are hiding within. It is important that we confront what we have lost and our feelings. Face them, take them up into your consciousness, caress them, because your feelings are precious ‐ each of them. Acknowledge in love and then let it go. I light a candle and let it all go into the candle's flame and part with it.


Libra: September 23 - October 22

8 Swords

This card shows a woman that is fighting a wall with her sword to break it. Two crows sit on it and laugh at her ‐ trying to show her that the wall is open behind her and that she can easily go out. Sometimes this is just the case with our mindsets, we stubbornly hold on to something that we found out works for us, even though it obviously didn't in the case at hand. Sometimes we are so strong about an opinion that we don't see other ways. Maybe you are not trapped at all ‐ you just need to turn around and walk on.


Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Ace of Discs

Aces are gifts 😊 Somehow you seem to hesitate to accept this one… this Ace is about something material, a gift from the earth which can be anything tangible, even something wonderful as a baby.


Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

9 Discs

When we are preparing for initiation, we usually take a quest for some time off. It is absolutely ok to doubt ourselves, our energies, even our path we have chosen before ‐ It is part of the process. So, you should not be too harsh and doubtful about yourself.


Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

6 of Discs

When we love it is so easy to give, just as in healing others. It seems though, that sometimes the balance is not right, we give more than we receive. This is not weighing up, it's healthy to always keep the balance to protect ourselves.


Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

VIII Chariot

Perhaps you should go back to a decision you once made and reassure yourself. The Chariot is how we drive our life through the world and this card indicates you are suffering self‐doubts. The chariot being the card following the lovers could point at a hastily made choice that still bothers you and hinders you to move on with the necessary power.


Pisces: February 19 - March 20

5 Wands

Sometimes struggle is necessary to evolve or bring about something new. There are times where we need to stand up for what we believe or feel we know. This seems to be your time 😊