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Weekly Tarot Zodiac

March 10th through March 16th, 2025

See past readings

This reading was done by HPs Heathwitch, using the Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell‐Colbert.


Wild Card of the Week: Influences All Signs

11 ~ Justice

Now is the time to consider your values, ethics, and integrity. Can you act from a place of fierce compassion and calm equanimity, or will your actions be rooted in fear and ego? Your actions have consequences, on both a personal and a global level. When faced with the scales of Justice, will you be found wanting?


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Guardian of Earth (aka: Queen)

How are you a good steward of the resources available to you? Can you live in right relationship with the land, and offer practical advice and aid to those who need it in your community? Remember that good, solid, and dependable assistance is just as valuable as emotional labour.


Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Three of Earth

When we join in community, we raise our own hearts as well as those around us ‐ fostering connection and care. Do you have time and skills to share, or are you engaged in creating something with others of your community, whether magical or otherwise?


Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Ten of Water (Reversed)

Right now, it can be so easy to feel overwhelmed, overstimulated, and scared. Take some time for you, doing whatever it is that brings you back to centre and balance. Do not be ashamed to ask for help if you need it.


Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Ace of Fire (Reversed)

Your energy may feel stuck or stagnant. This is the time to gather your courage and strike out, shaking off the cobwebs and re‐igniting your passion and creativity. Let confidence in your passions and heart lead the way.


Leo: July 23 - August 22

Six of Earth (Reversed)

Do not be led astray by fears of scarcity or lack. How can you best reframe your mindset to see the abundance which you already hold? How are you best able to help yourself regain stable ground? Remember that sharing troubles with your loved ones, rather than letting division sow mistrust, creates an abundance of its own.


Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Six of Water (Reversed)

You may be finding it difficult to remain in the present moment, and your emotions may be wild and in disarray. Take some time to connect with a cherished person or animal, to bring you into the moment, or reach for the stillness within by re‐affirming your daily spiritual practice. You can be the calm at the centre of the storm.


Libra: September 23 - October 22

Ten of Fire

Just as fire destroys, it also encourages creation. If your dreams have not manifested as you would have liked, it may be time to let them go ‐ or reshape them into something new and more vibrant than you could have ever imagined. Every ending shows us a doorway: will you step through?


Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

17 ~ The Star (Reversed)

Do not let doubt or insecurity run the show. You may feel hopeless right now, but can you open your heart to the grace of this moment? What promise lies before you, even when the chips are down? Get to your feet and dust yourself off: Hope is always the fire that nourishes and restores.


Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Eight of Water (Reversed)

You may feel like you are drowning in your emotions right now, unable to do much more than treading water. Take a deep breath and remember your true self and what you stand for, and know that you have the strength and stamina to survive any current.


Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Six of Air (Reversed)

Do not get caught up in the negative news cycle. Look for inspiration, look for joy, look for those who are using their voices to counter the negativity. Lift their voices up in turn, and you will find your own voice and call to action. Stay focused on the good, both within and without.


Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

3 ~ The Gardener (aka: The Empress)

Now is the time to create, to nourish, to comfort. How can you best care for you and yours at this time? Where may you or those around you need extra nurturing or encouragement? By offering sustenance to those around us, we inspire empowerment, creativity, and growth in body and mind, heart and soul.


Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Guardian of Fire (aka: Queen)

Only by tending to our own fires do we inspire and embolden those around us. To what are you most devoted? By attending to our own passions and creativity, we can model behaviours and right relationship in the world, inspiring those who come after. Remember that the fire can be compassionate as well as confident, clever as well as kind, polite as well as powerful.