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Weekly Tarot Zodiac

July 1st through July 7th, 2024

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This reading was done by Jayme, Level II Student of Moonflower Ministry, using the MotherPeace Deck by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble


Wild Card of the Week: Influences All Signs

The Chariot ~ Held Back (Tilted Left)

Delays in affairs related to health and victory, as well as challenges with making decisions and coming to agreements are currently a topic of potential concern, so be cautious and assess responses prior to finalizing significant choices and communicating information to others. Strength and willpower are critical in achieving success with potentially problematic situations.


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Daughter of Discs ~ Pushed Forward (Tilted Right)

Follow your instincts and not allow possible discouragement from others to sway decisions. Anything is possible, Aries ‐ Allow yourself to be led by your Inner Voice, despite what is happening in your life and what doubts you may have.


Taurus: April 20 - May 20

3 of Swords ~ Held Back (Tilted Left)

You are moving out of a state of melancholy or sorrow and are in the process of completing unfinished business and/or drama. There may be unhappiness and pain involved, but you are moving past events and situations that have caused the pain. Trust yourself and your Inner Voice to guide you through it and trust that it will pass.


Gemini: May 21 - June 20

7 of Discs ~ Pushed Forward (Tilted Right)

Impatience as a result of waiting for things to come or happen as progress forward is made slowly is often a natural response. The focus here is on long‐range growth and over‐arching, non‐material goals with expansive reach, although much of the progress may not be immediately visible or tangible. Be patient and keep moving forward.


Cancer: June 21 - July 22

4 of Wands ~ Held Back (Tilted Left)

The slow recognition of completion after a series of labors is cause for celebration and success. Joy and satisfaction may be delayed because of the tasks and experiences associated with such milestones, but goals involving abundance and prosperity with family and/or social groups linger on the horizon as a result of efforts undertaken to obtain them.


Leo: July 23 - August 22

5 of Swords ~ Held Back (Tilted Left)

A period of movement away from loss, pain and negative patterns is marked by completion once the grieving has ended. To obtain success, you must experience the pain of being engaged in battle, recognize how loss is associated with the resulting conflict and release the emotional baggage acquired to move forward.


Virgo: August 23 - September 22

The Crone ~ Held Back (Tilted Left)

When the path forward is dark, you will often need to light the way for others. When The Crone tilts left, she serves as a bridge between the hermit‐like access to the Divine Well of Knowledge enclosed within the deep, Inner Self and the reminder that such wisdom is useless when kept completely isolated from Others. Allow the Wisdom of Your Sacred Inner Knowing to shine as a beacon of hope, strength and courage for those around you, as they learn to follow the music of their Inner Voice.


Libra: September 23 - October 22

The Hierophant ~ Held Back (Tilted Left)

Progress forward is made when you make the decision to move out from within structures that oppress Authenticity and free thought. Rigid, despotic organizations intended to restrict creativity and free‐will through religion or law‐oriented constructs require toil and endurance to exit from ‐ Keep Going. Focus on Authenticity and being true to yourself.


Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

8 of Wands ~ Pushed Forward (Tilted Right)

Fast movement towards a goal brings the sense of freedom and bold exhilaration with high, intense energy. Completion and success over challenges carries the sense of accomplishment and vigor, as well as the promise of steady growth and significant forward movement.


Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

9 of Cups ~ Inverted

Experiences with blocked or challenged outcomes may have resulted in feelings of unhappiness, disillusionment, and confusion. It is common to feel boxed in or caged when the definition or representation of personal fulfillment is challenged or questioned. The answer, Sagittarius, is to look inward and focus on your Authentic Self, as you can trust yourself to understand what success will look like to you.


Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Priestess of Discs ~ Slight Forward Movement (Slight Right Tilt)

When you are focused on the joys of nurturing and creating, whether it be with a new project or new life, the Universe flows forward to Manifest everything needed to continue the circle of energy. Manifestation involves money and the forward movement of the cycle spells positivity in terms of increased cash flow ‐ trust the Universe to bring in what you need for your current endeavors.


Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

6 of Cups ~ Pushed Forward (Tilted Right)

Have you been dealing with a lot of feelings recently? Lots of memories and deep thought on the horizon as different experiences lead to a release of emotion. Joy and pleasure are indicated, as well as increased harmony and cooperation between important relationships ‐ Allow these experiences to help you connect to your Inner Self.


Pisces: February 19 - March 20

9 of Swords ~ Held Back (Tilted Left)

Our Shadow Selves, or the parts of ourselves representing the accumulation of everything that we deem to be unacceptable, begin to emerge with the appearance of fears and negative thoughts. Confusion surrounding issues that involve doubt and fear may also present anxiety about choices or experiences. Pay attention to your thoughts, Pisces, and focus on the call of your Authentic, Inner Voice to guide you forward.